Crimson Tears of a Love.

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Chapter 3: (Your pov)

The room felt suffocating as I stood there, grappling with the absurdity of my situation. The portraits on the wall stared back at me, capturing moments I couldn't remember. The newspaper from 1818 clutched in my hands, a relic from a time I never belonged to. What twisted tale had I become entangled in, and how did I find myself in this bewildering place? The air seemed thick with secrets, and the weight of the unknown pressed against my chest.

I was feeling pretty nervous as I set up the bed. Thoughts were running wild in my head about how to handle this strange situation. I fixed the pillows and smoothed the sheets, but the fear was still there what if Jungkook figured out I wasn't his supposed wife, Aaira?

I was standing in my place but suddenly I heard a knock. I thought it was Jungkook, and my heart pounded with fear. My mind raced with the implications of him finding out the truth. Quickly, I responded with a hesitant "Hm?" trying to mask my anxiety.

To my surprise, the door opened, and a group of maids started walking in. They moved with practiced grace, their faces warm and familiar. They came towards me, touching me gently and calling me "Lady Jeon."

Maid 1: Good evening, Lady Jeon.

One of them said, her voice soft and respectful. I was utterly bewildered by what was happening.

Y/n: Wait.

I stammered, taking a step back as they reached for the buttons on my dress.

Y/n: What are you doing?

The maids exchanged confused glances. One of them, who seemed to be the head maid, stepped forward and spoke.

Head maid: My lady, it's time for your evening bath and nightwear. Have you forgotten?

Y/n: I... I don't need a bath, Not from you ?

I protested, I was disgusted at the thought of them touching me, trying to pull away. My voice sounded foreign to my own ears, strained and desperate.

The head maid gives the other maids a sign movement with her eyes, and the maids again began to undress me, and I protested instinctively. They seemed shocked by my reaction. The head maid stepped forward and asked,

Head maid: What happened, Lady Jeon? Have you forgotten your daily routine? We will give you a bath and dress you in your nightwear. As it is necessary.

Y/n: Really, it's not necessary.

The head maid looked genuinely concerned.

Head maid: But, Lady Jeon, it's your daily routine. We must ensure you are comfortable and well-prepared for the night.

Y/n: Well prepared for what ?

Head maid: Lord Jeon must arrive Any moment, and if he sees you like this, he might get angry.

Y/n: Angry at who ? And why ?

Head maid: At us ? And... And because you're not prepared for the night, My lady.

My mind raced, struggling to comprehend the bizarre reality I had stepped into. I forced a smile and nodded, trying to mask my confusion and fear.

Y/n: Please, I don't want A bath, and... And that too with you ?

The other maids seemed equally taken aback by my resistance. One of them, a younger girl with wide eyes, asked,

Young maid: Are you feeling unwell, my lady?

I forced a smile, trying to mask my confusion and fear.

Y/n: No, I'm fine. Why would I ?

Young maid: Then why are you refusing for your routine, Lady Jeon ?

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