A Glass Of Crimson Milk.

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Chapter 24: (your pov)

I was already sleeping cause i was tired of the day, but suddenly I heard a light knock on the door, I didn't want to wake up, So I slid more in my blanket. The knocking still continues to happen.

Y/n: Who's there?

I called out groggily, my voice barely audible over the relentless drumming of rain outside. But there was no response, just the persistent knocking growing louder with each passing moment. A sense of unease crept over me as I sat up in bed, my heart pounding in my chest. The knocking sounded urgent, almost frantic, as if whoever was on the other side of the door was so impatient about something.

Y/n: Who is it? Please, answer me!

But still, there was no reply, only the ominous pounding that seemed to reverberate through the entire room. With trembling hands, I mustered the courage to get out of bed and approach the door, every step feeling like an eternity. As I reached out to grasp the handle, a surge of fear gripped me, chilling me to the bone. What awaited me on the other side of that door?

As Half-asleep, I stumbled to the door, surprised to find the housemaid standing there with a glass of Something red and thick in her hand ? Is it blood or what ?

She was looking at me with her keen eyes, I found the housemaid standing straight with an unreadable smile with a glass of some red substance in her hand. I was a bit surprised because it was already so late and I was almost Half-asleep.

Housemaid: Your Highness, i bought you this.

Confusion clouded my mind for a moment-why would she bring me this weird thing and that too in red colour at this hour? But her gentle expression urged me to accept it, so I took the glass reluctantly.

Y/n: But what is it ?

Housemaid: A fresh glass of milk.

A fresh glass of what ? What's with the colour, it's creeping me out. I hesitated for a moment, wondering why she had brought it at this hour. But she had a gentle expression on her face, as if there was nothing wrong with the colour.

Y/n: Um, thank you, but why the milk and what's with this colour?

Housemaid: Lady Jeon, I thought you might like a glass before bed. It's good for sleep. And besides I've added some Rose essence, And strawberry syrup that makes it Crimson.

Her voice was soft and caring, and I couldn't help but feel touched by her thoughtfulness.

Y/n: Thank you, But i didn't asked for this, and about this colour, I've never tried it before?

Housemaid looked shocked for a moment but she tries to keep her polite demeanor.

Housemaid: But Your highness, you've always loved it and this is the only thing you like to drink at nights before bed ?

Ahh shit, You and your choices Aaira, who the hell drinks Crimson milk ?

Y/n: Anyways thankyou, I was already asleep that is why couldn't remember.

I murmured, my voice hoarse from sleep. The housemaid smiled warmly.

Housemaid: You're welcome, Your Highness. It's good for your health.

I nodded, still puzzled by the unexpected gesture.

Y/n: Is everything alright?

I asked, unable to shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

Housemaid: Your Highness, nothing is wrong.

A sudden thought crept my mind.

Y/n: Someone asked you to bring this to me ?

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