Crimson Warning.

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Chapter 41: (your pov)

The rest of the day passed in a blur of painful memories and stifled tears. I moved through the hours like a ghost, barely aware of my surroundings, my mind replaying the breakfast scene over and over. Namjoon's harsh words and Jungkook's mocking laughter haunted me, each replay more torturous than the last.

When night fell, I couldn't bear to lie in the bed that now felt more like a prison than a place of rest. Instead, I curled up on the floor of my chamber, the cold tiles offering a strange sense of comfort. Sleep came fitfully, punctuated by nightmares that left me gasping for breath.

Morning arrived too soon, heralded by a soft knock on my door. I groaned, reluctant to face another day in this house. The knock came again, more insistent this time. With a heavy sigh, I pulled myself up and opened the door to find a group of maids standing there, their faces a mix of pity and professionalism.

As they bustled into the room, I caught snippets of their hushed conversation.

Maid 1: Did you hear what happened yesterday?

Maid 2: Yes, the whole house is talking about it. Poor Lady Jeon.

Maid 3: I can't believe Lord Jeon would humiliate her like that in front of everyone.

Maid 2: He's always been unpredictable, but this... This is too much.

Maid 1: I heard Lord Kim Namjoon was furious. Can't blame him, though. It's a scandal for the family.

Their words stung, each comment a reminder of the public shaming I had endured. They beginning the preparations for my bath. I stood numbly to the side, my mind still clouded by the remnants of my restless night. As they worked, a small girl, one of the maids' daughters, approached me with a timid expression. She held out a small envelope.

Little Girl: Someone asked me to give this to you.

Her voice was barely above a whisper, her wide eyes full of curiosity and concern. I took the envelope from her, my fingers trembling slightly. I set it on the table without opening it, the contents a mystery that I wasn't ready to face just yet.

The maids finished their tasks, guiding me towards the bath. I slipped into the warm water, letting it soothe my aching muscles and wash away the grime of the previous day. As I lay there, my thoughts wandered to the envelope. Who could have sent it, and what could it possibly contain?

The maids' whispers continued outside the bathroom door.

Maid 2: Do you think she'll be alright?

Maid 1: She's strong. But this house... It's not easy.

Maid 3: We should do what we can to help her. She's been through enough.

Eventually, the maids helped me out of the bath and dressed me in fresh clothes. The little girl was still there, watching me with wide eyes. I gave her a small, grateful smile, but my heart wasn't in it. She returned the smile hesitantly before her mother ushered her away.

With a deep breath, I approached the table and picked up the envelope. My hands shook as I opened it, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper. I unfolded it slowly, my heart pounding in my chest.

The note was written in a familiar, elegant script:


Two Days Left

Dear Fake Jeon Aaira,

This is your second and final warning. You have two days to rectify your actions and restore the honor you have tarnished. Failing to do so will result in severe consequences that will affect not only you but also those around you.

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