thirty-five↳ᵕ̈೫˚unexpected arrival

72 6 2

Riya's POV

The birthday party made my actual birthday easier. It took away some of the sting, but still, it lingers; I would be surprised if it didn't.

I finish my schedule as late as I planned, and with a glance at the clock in the studio, I smile in relief.

8:45 PM.

The day is almost over, and the sting will leave with the strike of midnight.

Almost there.

My friends have been checking in with me regularly, and I appreciate the reminders that I'm not alone. It helps keep me grounded in my current reality, the one where I'm no longer being manipulated or abused by my parents. The one where I'm finally free.

My smile of relief grows, and with a final look around the studio, I switch the lights off and exit the building.

I've barely locked the doors when a voice sounds from behind me. Startled, I turn, wondering if it's one of the dancers coming for a late solo practice. It's not unheard of, but it's pretty rare. I usually have the studio to myself at this time.

I can't find the beholder of the voice at first. The darkness of the night creates a mask I haven't yet adjusted to, and I'm struggling to balance my bag and rehearsal clothes in my hold, my focus on too many things without the added pressure of a sudden arrival.

Then my eyes focus. Then I wish they didn't. I wish I stayed in the studio. I wish I never went to the studio. I'm wishing for a lot of things that wouldn't change the current reality of the person standing a small distance from me.

My features twist along with my stomach, and I stand there, frozen, alarmed, confused, and with more hurt than I can comprehend.

The fear kicks in not long after.

Where she is, he is.

I whirl around and fumble with my key, jamming it into the lock and twisting the knob open.

"No, wait!" Her voice carries across the empty parking lot. "Just listen to me. Wait, wait, wait."

I don't wait. I swing the door open, avidly aware of her footsteps pounding behind me, and I slam it shut right as she grabs the doorknob.

She wiggles it, making it difficult for me to lock it, and adrenaline pours off of my body in waves.

Lock the door, call the police, lock the door, call the police.

I have to lock the door.

I shove my body against it, surprising her enough to loosen her grip and allow me to secure the lock.

I take multiple steps back, eyes wide as my heart hammers in my chest.

Where is he?

Where is he?

My mind whirls in circles, fear taking over, and I think I'm going to cry, but I can't.

I've been training for this, training for a 'just in case' scenario.

Control your breathing; staying calm is vital.

Duri's words circle in my mind, and as my mother brings her fists to the door, I instruct my chest to rise and fall slowly.

Deep breaths. In and out. Nice and slow, nice and steady.

She opens her fist, places her palm against the glass, and stares at me.

It's unnerving.

My breath hitches.


I need my phone.

(BTS FF) Ending GreenWhere stories live. Discover now