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I was feeling quite uneasy that night....tried sleeping buh my eyes betrayed me and refused to close..

Something just felt completely wrong that night..i could feel it ...buh i just couldn't  point out what exactly the problem was....i grabbed my phone and opened the muslim muna app...i recited my athkar and hopefully after the athkar,i drifted up to the dreamland...


I was hearing voices from the living room downstairs.........
I thought twas a dream until i woke up abruptly to see the same thing going on......

She was holding a gun...aiming at mmah...immediately she pulled the trigger,baba came in between them making him the victim...

KABEER!!!...mmah shouted and immediately baba dropped dead....

At that instance,mmah started running towards my room...i wanted to go meet her buh i felt twas a bad idea...so i just waited for her....immediately i sighted on the balcony i was watching everything from...i ran to her and started throwing questions at her....

Whats happening mmah?who's she?the lady dressed in black....why did she kill baba?....tell me mmah!

She just ignored me and when she finally opened her mouth,she only thing she said was"NABEELAH RUN"....it sounded so strange ...mmah has never called me by my name....at least not in the last 5 to 7 years....

"Bagho beti"(run my dear)...she said again buh this time around she was shouting...

I was dumbfounded at everything that was happening....i even zoned out until mmah shouted again..."bagho beti"(run my dear)...immediately.... she dragged my arm and i retreated...."kyu mmah"(why mom)....

She ignored my question again nd dragged me forcefully....i knew better than arguing or retreating ..so i just followed her....

After about 1 minute of walking....we were at the secret door leading to the back gate...

"Meh tage mmah"(am tired mmah)

Nabeelah beti(dear)...we have to run....we have to run or else she'll kill us all...

Finally,we were at the backgate...mmah opened the padlock with her hairpin...we then sat down...she handed me a box which am sure contained jewellery....

Why on earth is she giving me this jewellery as if i am getting married tonight

We locked hands and started conversing.....shedding tears....mmah was just talking as if to say either of us were going to die that instance nd i really didn't like it...

"Chandra"....i called trying to fake a smile...
Han beti(yes my dear)...
"Kya hua?"...i asked again..(what is it /what is happening)

How old re you my child...

Chandra?... we promised not to answer questions with questions right?...

Yes dear...but ...just this last time...please....

Fine...m half after 17...i pouted quoting the 17 with my fingers.....

Okay my dear...whatever happens in your life,i want you to know that its destined by Allah....

There my chandra goes again with  talking as if someone is about to take me away from her...

"Here"...she said handing me a backpack i didn't know she was holding...

There is a laptop and flash drive in it....you can use the laptop but promise me you wont watch the content of the flash drive.. ...well...not until your 18th birthday ....

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