❣️ 09 ❣️

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.. Nabeelah..

It's been 1 week since I started living with the A_B_Jalals... everything's been fine over here....buh I miss mmah ,Baba,Raky ND even Anty Rukayya and Nadia...

Baby and honey have been nice to me...yup...now that's how I address sak ND farr...when we're alone sha..

Ray has been freaking nice to me...he even got me an apology shawarma...the day after Rahinas incident.....he's really a vibe and a great company...

Ya Fawzan has been a good crazy friend to me(like we agreed to address each other)

I haven't really seen ya Fareed and Ya Kamal...Ya Nisa has gone back to her house (yh...she's married)... Rahina is just there... sending me cold glares whenever we come in contact...

Ya Huda....after the encounter with him... I haven't had another one and am really grateful for that....

Buh...m tired of being ahhome... doing nothing...I really want to go back to school...  I mean to start uni...buh I'll be a big fool to ask Ammi...after all she's done for me..
Soo...  I have made up my mind....I'll at least ask her if I could go in search of a job..

**  **  **  **  **

Good morning honey..good morning baby...  I said entering the kitchen...

Good morning swii..they chorused...

Any idea where Ammi is?..

Obviously in her room...farr retorted

Thanks honey..

Wharreva..far retorted

So you're really gonna tell her Abt the job?...sak canvassed

Yup....choiceless...I responded

C'mon Eeman... don't do this...let's stay home together...let's keep being the lazy 18 aged ladies...sak Pouted

..yh..Eeman..we really love you being here ...we really love your company...far added

Am not going na...I just want to work....

Okay oo...buh promise you won't forget about us when you start working...sak cooed..

Exactly..far added..

Of course...baby na,honey na...I promise to always be there for us...the lazy 18 aged ladies...I said hoping to convince them

Okay...even though some people are still ten months to being 18...farr said referring to sak....

Farr is less than a month to 18,am 6 months to 18 nd sak is 10 months to 18...

We all laughed ND I proceeded to Ammis room

Sabah alkhair Ammi(good morning (in Arabic))

Sabah Alkhair habibty(good morning my love)..kayf haluki(how are you?)

Ana bi khair...wa anti?(I am fine...and you?)

Ana bi khair (I am fine)..you are really learning Arabic fast... Duolingo right?

Yh...and with Assistance from ya Rayyan..

Oh..the only nephew of mine that has agreed to learn Arabic...you getting along right?

Yes...(after some minutes of silence)..



Can I ask you for a favor... please..

Sure..as far as  you are not asking to leave....

No Ammi..its not that


Umm..Ammi... please don't be angry...

C'mon Eeman...just ask...

Okay ...Ammi..I know you've done more than enough for me and I really appreciate...I can't thank you enough....

Eeman dear...you don't need to thank me....you have thanked me enough...okay?

Okay Ammi...Ammi..I am..I was thinking...


If..I was thinking if ...........I could go in search.....of..if I could go in search of a job...

Job?..buh why?...why not School?..why job?..


No Eeman..you'll go to sch...they re on break And after the break, they'll be commencing second semester....so in 3 to 4 months time...you'll be starting school... just be patient please...

Ammi .. please let me work...

No Eeman...You'll go to school

Ammi.. please... please..i said making the cutest kitten eyes I could..

No Eeman...

Okay Ammi ...I'll go to school...buh...for the months I'll be ahhome... please let me work... please...

Fine...buh once it's time for school you must quit the job...she stated

Yay!!.. thank you Ammi...

You are always welcome my dear...so...do you have any job in mind?...just name it and I'll make a call

Guyy...whos feeling this connection...

I actually don't have anything in mind...

That's okay... I'll be right back....she said and exited the room....she came back after approximately 30 seconds..

So Eeman ...I just checked and they are no vacancies in my office..(yh...shes a working class lady)..
Buh.... vacancy must be made for you my dear..so..... if it's okay by you ......I'll call Huda up....buh...my  son isn't  an easy going person....he can be hard to understand...

It's fine Ammi...

Listen Eeman...if it's not okay by you...I can look for another job for you...you must not be hudas personal Assistant...besides he's been working without a personal Assistant for Almost two years now...

Ammi... it's fine...I'll cope..

Okay dear...one minute please...(she called Huda and after About 4 minutes,she hung up)...
DONE!...miss PA...you can now go and prepare... you'll be commencing work in 48 hrs time...buh before then...Huda will brief you on your job...okay...

Okay Ammi...I said jumping up happily...I gave her a tight hug before proceeding to tell sak ND farr About the latest update...

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Yup yup....miss PA on the go...let's wait and watch the drama unfold...

ND when I talk about a double update....this is it....

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Thanks so much for ur time...I'll give one or two more updates ND that will be all for now..until further notice...m sorry for the inconveniences.....ailuv y'all ❣️❣️❣️❣️

__hauwarhs -mhist🍶🍶

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