❣️ 11❣️

41 13 5

.. Unedited..

.. Nabeelah..

Of course sak and farr must get every info About my briefing with ya Huda....oops..Mr Huda out of me....and after all I said,the only thing Farr said was

"Miss Eeman...so you'll be resuming tomorrow.....

And sak drily said
"Let the measurement of the milk and sugar stick to your brain.....

Like seriously?...is that all you girls heard from my story?...I asked air quoting story

Not really...they chorused..

You girls are not even helping matters...let me go to my last comforter since my crazy friend has travelled and my supposed dear friend are mocking me...I rambled

C'mon dear friend... don't get angry..Farr said

Exactly..Sak added

We're sorry...they chorused

Let me be...am going to Ray...I said feigning hurt

C'mon...don't choose ya Rayyan over us..sak worded

She dares not...I mean...how will a sweet dear friend do that...Farr added

..am leaving already... like it or not...I said making my way to the door...

We are sorry Again...they chorused

I know...I affirmed on my way out

_ - _ - _ -

The alarm rang so loud... waking me up...oh ..it's just time for fajr...I proceeded to my bathroom,made some transactions, performed wudhu...came out to pray fajr...and as usual,after my Dua,which was already 6:45 am,I stood up lazily with the intention of going back to sleep...when realization dawned on me that I'll be resuming work

Ya illahi ...now I can't go for my second round of sleep.....

Arise and shine sleepy head...sak squealed from outside my room

Am awake mate...

Good for you... Farr retorted after I opened the door for them..

What ever....I said dragging a random abaya from my closet..
Am going to see Ammi...I'll be back in a few ...I said and left for Ammis section..

Alhamdulillah I met all the elders in Ammis section so I just greeted them and informed them that I'll be resuming work...they gave me their blessings and I went back to my room...

I won't be waiting for breakfast...I announced..

Why?..they chorused

It's already 7:10...I am almost late...

Bye mates...I said hugging them simultaneously...

See ya...they chorused as I left the room with my toté bag containing my phone,charger ND the chocolate Farr thrust into the bag as my "first day at work gift"..

Lovely right

Of course

I reached the parking lot at exactly 7:13 am ..and I smiled when I realized that mr Huda wasn't there yet buh he beat me to it when I noticed him in his black Lexus Rx...

He horned immediately and as if it wasn't enough,he spoke

Don't you think it's rude to keep your boss waiting on your first day at work?

Kuma?....it's not even 7:15 yet....

Good morning Mr Huda...I said ignoring his question...

Get in miss Eeman... there's alotta work waiting for you at the office

Toh...diyar humayra kin shiga uku(translate it for me 😊😊) ...alot of work kuma?...toh...Allah ya Bani sa'a

After quickly contemplating whether to sit at the back or on the passengers sit,I opened the door to the passengers sit and sat down...(his cologne filled the atmosphere)

The stern look on his face with which he gave me a cold glare sent chill shivers down my spine...I was really uncomfortable...

He started the engine...and it roared proudly...the quite ride started...and after a period of 20 to 30 minutes,we reached the said company.... Alhamdulillah...the ride was short due to the absence of traffic...we pulled up in the large parking lot of the A_B_JALAL COMPANIES...

I alighted immediately...he made his way in and I trailed behind him like a lost puppy...we entered the elevator and he pressed the number 3...which was the top floor...

The elevator dinged and opened...after walking through what seems like a balcony,we finally reached the said office...


First day at work

Yoooo...ND dat was chappy 11....

No dogon turanci....

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Ailuv y'all ❣️💞💕💕💕💕💕


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