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This girl is just pissing me off.. I've been waiting for her for the past 30 minutes or more and she isn't here yet..

You didn't tell her about going to work on Sunday...did you?

Whatever ... like...who cares ...m the boss afterall...

Stop being harsh..


I'll just call her ...

Dailing.. personal Eeman... whenever I see it..like...how I saved her name,I always feel like laughing buh...I have no other choice...since she's not the only eeman on my contact list and that's the best way to differentiate'em....

Me:(immediately she picked the call) do you realize I've been waiting for you for the past 30 minutes?..

Her: to...day...is...su..nday..

Me:nd who says there's no work on Sunday?  Like...am the boss here so I decide when nd when not to go to work.. understood?

Her: okay

Me:the earlier you get ready the better for you (nd I hung up immediately)

'. '. '. '.

I sighted her advancing towards the parking lot..dressed in a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants...unlike the previous day's...she was always dressed in abaya..

I was also dressed up casually..white t shirt nd black sweatpant...

Good morning Mr Huda...she said immediately she sat down ..

I ignored her as usual and started the engine...
.. don't dare keep me waiting like you did today..I said without sparing her a glance...

Few minutes into the drive,she started typing away on her phone...I don't know why buh I felt like smashing the phone that instance..she started playing an Indian song nd twas too loud...is she trying to annoy me or what...

Pause the song..I commanded..

What?...she questioned

What is the use of your headphone?...I questioned after spotting her headphone...

I guess she understood what I was saying since she connected immediately.....

The car was so silent and the drive might be a long one..so I decided to bring up a topic..

How has work been so far?...I asked..

(No response)

Miss Eeman..how..(I realized she was wearing her headphone nd me being the Huda that I am..I removed the headphone..nd she gave me this"why the hell" look... immediately, a call entered so I parked by the road...

Twas an important investor from India...after about 30 minutes,our conversation ended nd I hung up only to meet a sleeping figure...why the hell is she sleeping?..

Wake up sleepy head..I hollered nd she woke up immediately..I was about speaking when another call entered...twas Laylah..of course I picked the call...the conversation was going well until she decided to bring up the ShopRite date...I tried explaining why I don't want a ShopRite date buh she just hung up on me...I can tolerate anything but hanging up on me...I turned back to see har sleeping again...I woke her up ..this time...in an angry mode..

Why the hell were you sleeping?...I thundered making her almost jump from the seat..

M sorry...you were conversing for more than 20 minutes and my ba3 is low...I had nothing to do..I couldn't help buh ..I slept off..she explained with her lips quivering..

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