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.. Unedited..

.. Nabeelah..


We got to the office and it might sound funny buh I couldn't find my table...I just stood still....with different thoughts running through my mind...He mentioned something about punishing me the other day...what if he changed my department...that wouldn't be too bad...wait...what if he makes me stand for the whole day... Subhanallah...what if he fired me...oh no...what am I going to do ....

Looking for something?...he questioned


Desk right...he said


Miss Eeman... correction is something that mustn't be taken y'know...I warned you about knocking before entering my office.. didn't I...buh you never listened...I also warned you about taking permission before leaving to wherever you want to...but you didn't budge...so from today...you don't need to do all those things...I mean the correction isn't needed anymore.....

My face lit up when he said that... but not after he said

You actually don't need to do them because my office is now your office as well....

What?...I questioned

You heard me right miss Eeman....

Mr Huda please...I promise..

Tsk tsk tsk... promise timed out... there's no need to promise ... Miss eeman... you'll be fine...it's my office...and you are my personal Assistant....so...I guess there's no better place for you than my office...no truancy...no need to knock before entering.....


No buts Miss eeman...just get to work...its past time for my coffee....

M sorry..I'll get it now.....

I got his coffee nd funny enough...when I reached the door of his office... sorry..our office...I knocked...


M sorry...

I gave him his coffee nd went to my desk to start my work....it felt so weird...my desk was at one edge of the office while his' was at the center of the office...after about 3 hours we left for home....

Tuesday went well and Wednesday was going well until I had no other choice but to give in to ya kamals request of wanting to see me...the day out will be on Saturday and we intended on doing a kind of dinner and as per the rules... everyone is meant to come with their date nd I was definitely going to break that rule ....But ya Kamal kept pestering me....

Our conversation some days ago:

Hey Eeman...

Assalamualaikum ya Kamal...


Am fine...

So...about the day out..

Yes...what about it?

Who is going to be your date for the dinner..

I'm not interested in the date part...

But it's the rule...

Every rule is meant to be broken someday y'know...

Yes...but this one doesn't need to...

Nd why do you say so...

Coz I can be your date..

Awwn....so sweet of you Ya Kamal..but thanks...I am not interested...

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