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After the intro,we had breakfast ....they are actually helps to do the cooking and other major chores...After the breakfast,the guys retired to their section...sak nd farr dragged me to explore the mansion...

Twas really soooo beautiful...nd Big...there re five main sections in the mansion...Ammis nd Abbas section,Mommies section,Ummis section,the General section nd the male section. ...

We first went to saks room in ummis section,then to farrs room in mommies section,then to Ammis room in her section... Only Rahina (whom I've not met) nd i have our rooms in the general section....well...so i learnt. .

....according to the arrangement,twas mommies section first,ammis section next,ummis section,the general section nd the male section....each section consist of a living room,a small dinning nd some bedrooms....

Wow...this is house is really big. ....my house has only two sections. ....mmahs section nd aunty ruqayyas...nd d sections weren't as big as this....

...I was tired of exploring so I begged the girls to let me go....I was so tired that I wasnt looking up when I was walking....until I bumped into something hard...someone I mean....

M sorry...I didn't see you coming...m really sorry...I cooed...

Next time watch it....he replied nd brushed past me....

Twas ya Huda....Ammis son...

Nd why is he being so rude...I blurted...

Well maybe he had a rough day at work...a familiar masculine voice which obviously belongs to ya rayyan said....

Omg...did I say that aloud?...what if he hears me?....

Yes....you said it aloud....nd ....he would not hear you...

Am sorry...


Saying he's rude...

C'mon...I'll say the same if I were in your shoes...he  hasn't even seen you before nd you guys bumped into each other...he should at least say sorry or keep quiet...

I've actually met him...at the hospital...

Oh...I see ...well...he is usually like this...if he gets a rough day at work...don't mind my bro...kin ji?(did u hear?)


So...re you going somewhere?

..no...just going to my room..

K...I'll walk you then...

You shouldn't worry...

I insist..


..don't mention...

The walk to my room was a quiet one..so i used the opportunity to get his features...

He is tall..chocolate skinned..perfectly carved eyebrows..cute brown eyes....slightly pointed nose...his two coloured lip had a beautiful smile plastered on it...he was wearing a black hoodie with matching sweatpants...

Isn't he beautiful?

Shut up!

Buh he is actually very handsome....

That was fast y'know...came ya rayyans voice pulling me outta my reverie...

Yup...see you later ya rayyan..

See you later swii

Omg...did he just call me swii?

Shut up!

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,

I was so bored in my room buh I didn't want to go out...tired of using my phone...I prayed zuhr...slept...woke up...prayed Asr...nd the atmosphere is still boring...what do i do?....yh...I've never used the laptop chandra gave me...I miss her so much..I really hope our pictures are in the laptop..

(Several pictures and videos later)...wow...its already time for maghrib...subhanallah...I've spent like two hours here...I stood up lazily nd proceeded to the bathroom...had some transactions done,had a refreshing bath,performed wudhu nd came out to pray maghrib...after my dua,I decided to go see Ammi...

Too bad...the lights went off even before I made serious progress...I decided to squint my eyes through to ammis section...i heard footsteps buh i decided to ignore'em...well..not after i felt myself hitting someone...making what she was holding drop from her hand...immediately,the lights restored...

Subhanallah...am sorry..(unfamiliar face,I think its Rahina)...

..subhanallah?...what did you just do?...oh!I see you are the nabeelah everyone's been ranting about..nd this is how you say hi to me,on our first meeting?...tsk tsk tsk...too bad..I see your eyes re bad and need immediately attention from an opthalmologist...wait...were you blind?didn't you see me coming? Why did you have to pour my food? Do you even know how much this plates cost...nd u've broken them...I see you have come here to ruin nd destroy things and it won't work out...

M sorry Rahina...i really didn't see you coming..the place was dark...I'll clean up the mess immediately...

Oh really ?...the place was dark...why didn't you Carry your phone..or...are you too poor to afford  that too..

M soooo sorry ...I didn't expect the lights to go off ...so I didn't leave my room with my phone...

Huh...oh really?...why will you expect the lights to go off...nobody will expect it...since you are in such a big house like you've never seen in your life...you expect everything to be just perfect right?...well everything was...until your arrival...nabeelah nan(here)...nabeelah chan(there)...koh ina nabeelah(everywhere nabeelah)...see lemme just tell you something...or ...you can take it as an advice...the earlier you accept the fact that your evil plan won't work out,the better for you.....

Nd who is planning what???

Yooooo !!!

Update kenan....

Wassup dis rahina....

Nd who do you think made d last statement "nd who is planning what"

It may be you

It may be I

It maybe someone by your side

Let's find out ...in the next chapter sha...

See ya when I see ya

Please don't forget to do the needful (show some love😁😬)


AI luv y'all


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