❣️ 20 ❣️

30 8 6

.. unedited..


On the day I made her walk to the office,I felt so guilty...like I've never felt in a very long time..But unfortunately, Huda Abduljalal Ibrahim doesn't apologize...so I actually went to ShopRite with Laylah since I was trying to convince her to cancel the ShopRite date buh she didn't agree....after sometime she left saying I was boring her....

I was about leaving when I saw Rayyan's car parked..then I remembered he left  the office earlier with Eeman...I wanted to ignore their presence but my conscience wouldn't allow me...so I called Rayyan up and he told me where they are ....I went there and dragged her out after ordering shawarma for her and signalling Rayyan to get it...after that...

Due to her stubbornness,she spilled coffee on both of us because she didn't knock before entering my office...it wasn't serious...the coffee even poured on her dress more than mine but I wanted to punish her for not knocking so I made her soak the suit in dye and asked her to wash it...I was meant to go back after 20 minutes but I got carried away by work... immediately I realized that I left her there I rushed to the laundry...her hands were shaking terribly as if that wasn't enough I asked her to throw the suit...I saw pain in her eyes but I couldn't do anything as at that point in time so I just tried being nice to her after that day...

Actually...she wasn't really flirting with Rayyan but...I know Rayyan might end up breaking her heart if she eventually falls for him....so I decided to use my authority as a weapon...the only possible way to do that was to move her to my office so she'll reduce the rate at which she hangs out with Rayyan...

She looked rather scared than surprised when I told her she'll be staying in my office...so I tried as much as I could to be nice to her... including relieving her of her duty ...


On purpose,I relieved her of her work for that day ...she was typing away on her phone for quite sometime ...after some minutes, she stood up and asked if she could get something to eat...I don't know why buh I got angry and felt like she was just trying to leave the office not like she was hungry...I just asked her to leave the office and stay as long as she wanted to...

I knew clearly that I yelled at her and she was hurt..buh...I remain THE HUDA ABDULJALAL IBRAHIM....you don't expect me to apologize...so I decided to go get something for my self at the cafeteria since I also didn't feel like making office orders...the moment I stepped out of the elevator,I saw her leaving the cafeteria with someone...damn...see me thinking she isn't flirting...this person is not even Rayyan..what kind of a lady is she.. going about with different guys...I don't blame myself for thinking ill about her...I pulled myself out of my reverie when I realized she wasn't going out with just anybody but with Kamal...

Oh no!...this girl is really not aware of what she's doing...

It's your fault..you sent her out of the office..dumbo...

Whatever..this isn't the time for blame...most importantly I need to stop her ...I know exactly what Kamal is trying to do...I rushed out to the parking lot...

STOP!!!...I hollered when I saw her entering his car...

Get in Eeman...Kamal said to her...

Don't you dare...I said with my anger getting the best of me....

Who the shark are you to stop her...

Her sharking boss... Kamal..she isn't going anywhere with you...

You dare not.....she's going with me...

Of course I do...she isn't..I said dragging her away from the car....

You'll definitely hear from me... I'll deal with you Huda...I will...he said and drove off...

What the hell do you think you are doing..I thought I was wrong for calling you a flirt at first...but to this extent.. flirting is an understatement...but of all people..."WHY KAMAL?"...why...

Why do you care?...she asked freeing her hand forcefully from my grip...

She's right...why do I care..?...

You asked me to stay as long as I wanted right...than why do you care who I go out with...you just called me a flirt once again...why... because I am going out with ya Kamal...we weren't even going out...he just wanted to talk to me in his car...why am I even explaining all this to you...but why do you care...isn't he your brother?...is it because you are my boss?...if that's the reason...then that doesn't mean you detect who I go out with...as far as he is not harming me or eating me up with harsh words like you always do.. please..just stay out of my personal affairs Mr Huda...as far as they don't intrude in my work... please.....with that, she brushed past me into the building....

But she's right...why do I care...do I even care?(Of course you do)...(when did THE HUDA ABDULJALAL IBRAHIM start caring..what is happening to me ...the only person that has the opportunity of seeing this side of me apart from my family members is Laylah)...She said something about me being harsh on her..I don't actually do it on purpose...it's just my nature...I am just surly..but she mentioned something about Kamal not harming her...if only she knows what Kamal is..well I guess I'll have to leave this job to Rayyan since only both of us know why Kamal is trying to get close to her....


When I entered...her head was ducked ...I was about to leave to my inner office to give her some breathing space when she spoke...

Mr Huda....I ....you... I'm sorry Mr Huda...wallahi I didn't mean to talk to you in that manner..kawai ban San abin da ya faru da ni ba...Dan Allah kayi hakuri...I don't..I really...

Just go find out more about Kamal...are you ready to go home?...

Yes...she replied and we left for home.....


Nd that was chapter 20🌹...we are really moving oooo.....

So what's up with Kamal...what is he trying to do.... why is Huda being concerned all of a sudden about her.....

Well... we'll find out soon🙂...

Wow...Amma Eeman anyi zuciya....see how she talked to him o....A whole HUDA ABDULJALAL IBRAHIM come dey reason him self 😂....well ... everybody gaz grow mind someday ...

Alriii...my ppl please don't forget to do the needful 🥺🥺...

Thanks so much 💙

With love from jeeddarh 🌹

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