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The sun rays reflected directly into my eyes making me to squint them....nd then I managed to open them...the place was looking so unfamiliar...like a hospital...

Then I saw mmah facing the window...wearing a black hijab I never knew she had...I think she was having a view of the city... ...

....mmah....I called rather in form of a question buh she didn't hear me...seems she's lost in thoughts...

..mmah...I called again pulling her outta her reverie...

She finally heard me....immediately I saw the unfamiliar face...everything came crash landing on me....I mean everything that happened that night...

Alhamdulillah...you are awake...the woman said sitting next to me..

How are you feeling now?...are you feeling pain anywhere?....should I call the doctor?...then she paused for an answer...I decided to ask the billion dollar question that has been ringing in my head...

...what happened to me...

..my dear...I was driving along the abuja-kaduna express...I wasn't really concentrating on the road...I didn't see you running through...I was so scared so I closed my eyes buh luckily,I didn't hit you...buh you fell unconscious even before I came out of the car...so I just brought you here....

...for how long have I been here?...

3 days....nd yes...I saw the backpack you were wearing so I kept ot safe....

Phew(sigh of relief)...as if she knew the next question I wanted to ask...

Here...call your family members...I am sure they have been worried about you....she said handing me a mobile phone...immediately it dawned on me that I didn't carry my own...

I just collected it and ducked my head thinking of my life...where to go.. Whom to turn to...all these thoughts brought tears to my eyes buh I tried blinking them back...me being myself,the tears dropped...

Re you hurt?why are I crying?...are u feeling any pain?....okay I get....it seems you don't want to go home yet....its okay...you can come over to my house...we'll talk about it when ever you are ready...

Thank you ma'am...I managed to say amidst sobs...

Don't mention...I am Hajiya Haleema Abduljalal Ibrahim...call me Ammi...


By the way what's your name?...

..Nabeelah...buh family calls me Eeman...you can call me Eeman too...

...MashaAllah...beautiful name for a beautiful girl...she said with a beautiful grin on her face...

...okay..I'll go talk to the doctor...my number is saved...if u need anything..I am 1 call away...nd yes...my son will be ...oh(his arrival cut her short)..just in time ..Huda...meet Nabeelah ...Nabeelah..meet Huda my son....she said nd left the room...

Omg...he is handsome

Shut up

I couldn't help buh stare at tall figure standing before me...with beautiful black well trimmed hair complementing his handsome face....his pointed nose sitting comfortably in between his brown hazel eyes nd his cute pink lips...he was wearing navy blue kaftan which perfectly complimented his light skin...

..I hope you are feeling better...he said pulling me out of my reverie and yet typing away on his phone....

Hmmmmm...how rude...he didn't even look up for a second...

...yes...I replied and immediately Ammi entered the room..

So...you've been discharged..

..I was so happy...buh sad in a way...Happy that i was finally leaving the hospital and sad that I had nowhere to go...I mean...I know she said i can tag along to her house...buh....after that where will i go to?....what will i do?...all these thoughts baffled me and I zoned out...

...shall we?...she said pulling me out of my trance...


She helped me up and supported me to the car with her son trailing behind us....

Yes ooo...I know the chapter is not interesting buh I can't skip the part y'know....

I'll really try to make the next chapter interesting...please u guys should try nd understand me ooo🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼....

please don't forget to


AI luv y'all


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