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I picked up the backpack mmah gave me....thank God twas not heavy if not for the laptop in it...I started running...leaving everything behind...leaving everyone behind...what am I gonna do with my life...we just moved in from kano recently...I don't even know the place well...I just know its in Kaduna and its very close to Abuja...ntn else...buh I had no other choice...

Even though I am one of the best runners (I know😊)...
My legs betrayed me...the faster I ran,the weaker I became...buh my promise to mmah stands still...I kept running to where only God knows...at least I was finally making progress....I was sooo exhausted and thirsty...

After what seemed like forever,I sighted a kiosk....I ran as fast as my legs could carry me ...to the kiosk...just in time before he closed it...

...Ni na tashi fah(I have closed already)...

"Dan Allah...ruwa nike so"(please I want water)...

He looked at me with"she really deserves it"eyes...”kizo ki amsa"(come and take)....

He then handed me a chilled bottle of water...

Na gode sosai(thank you very much)...i managed to say then he locked his kiosk with him inside....

As if he knew exactly what I needed...I gulped down the content of the bottle at once....and of course...started my journey once again buh this time feeling refreshed...

...I started walking...then jogging...almost immediately,I took off....I started running non stop...not caring where exactly I was running to...I kept running and funny enough I didn't realize I was already on the tarred road...I didn't see the car coming nd obviously, the inevitable happened.....I fell down ...I felt my self fading away....nd that was the last thing i saw.......


Twas past 2am already and Ammi wasn't back from her business trip...I tried calling buh it went straight to voicemail...

..I kept pacing back nd forth in the living room....my phone suddenly started vibrating...and boom...the person I have been waiting for....

"Hello...Salaam Ammi...what happened. ..why are you not back....I hope everything is alright"...I said in one breath...

The only thing she said was"Abuja-kaduna express way"....

Ammi what hap....she hung up even before I completed my question....

....immediately,I stormed outta the house to the parking lot...I drove the nearest car not caring about what the owner will say....twas coincidentally my own...I drove at a very high speed...since twas still early in the morning,there was no traffic jam whatsoever...

After about 45 minutes of driving,I saw Ammis car parked so I pulled up...

I checked inside the car buh I didn't see her....thousand thoughts started bombarded my mind buh I managed to ignore'em....

I had no other choice than to do what was on my mind..."AMMIIIII!!!"...I screamed...

..just in time,her call came in...

"Come to the hospital now...I'll send the address"....nd then she hung up....

Immediately,the message entered...I rushed to the hospital in my car nd called one of the drivers to come get Ammi's car...

Immediately I entered the reception...the lady directed me to the room where Ammi was....

Then I saw ammi in front of the room....the moment she turned...I noticed how weak she was looking....her eyes were bloodshot red...

She ran to me immediately and broke down in my arms...I couldn't help but get emotional...I haven't seen ammi like this...at least if I have,then I really can't remember...

"I killed her"....was the only thing I heard her say....


"Her"...she said pointing towards the room....

Immediately,the doctors came out and Ammi rushed to one of them which seemed to be the senior doctor...

She is out of danger...he voiced

Alhamdulillah...Can i see her?...



She can't talk....buh you should not worry about that...I think its due to the shock....and...


She sustained minor injuries and she's not awake for now....

"Okay"....was the only reply Ammi gave be she entered the room....I obviously wasn't going to enter buh Ammi asked me to nd I was left with no option...

...the poor girl looked so disheveled...ammi was sitting next to her on the bed.. Looking so worried..

I heard the imsak(dawn) athan(call to prayer)from my phone signifying twas almost time for fajr prayer so I excused my self nd made way to the hospital's masjid...

After my Salah...I went back to the room only to see Ammi sleeping in the sitting position she was...

..yes son...

..please go home and get some rest..I'll stay with her...

..no...you should go home...nd get some rest and later on bring breakfast for us...

...I knew better than arguing with her so I just pecked her forehead and went home....

...after 3 days,I managed to convince ammi...or rather lure her into going home...so she finally agreed....

Later in the day,the girl woke up...so I informed Ammi...............


Nd dat was chapter 3 oo oo....

Abeg...u guys should give a standing ovation 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏for my namesy💓💓...eez becoz of her m updating sef...she dey motivate me big time

#i love you namesy💓❤💘

Guys please show some love by





AI luv y'all


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