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.. unedited..


That's your sit... there re some files on the desk... you're to write proposal letters to them...nd yes ammis company is also there..nd the letter is going straight to her office..so..do not be informal..if you need clarity on anything..do ask..with that,he barged into his office shutting the door...

I sat down,said a quick dua for Allah's guidance...counted the files and they were exactly 10...I was about to start when I remembered"COFFEE"..

We got to the office at exactly 7:30 nd this is 7:38..7 more minutes to get the coffee..I rushed to the elevator wondering where exactly to get the coffee...a little smile found it's way to my face when I remembered the inscription downstairs saying"cafeteria".... immediately the elevator opened,I rushed to the cafeteria nd asked to make the coffee myself..after making it,I added the weird measurement of milk and sugar..like..who give a specific measurement.. NOBODY..well.. except Mr Huda..

I rushed back to the elevator nd waited patiently to get to the top floor.. immediately the elevator opened,I walked so fast almost spilling the coffee.. thank God for stamina..

I barged into his office..his cologne engulfing my nostrils..nd Thank goodness he wasn't there..I dropped the coffee gently on his table and turned to leave when I heard footsteps coming from the inner office..

Well,well, well..ms eeman,first things first..you are a second late(🙄🙄)..he said typing away on his phone..

This guy eeh... who takes note of seconds again...

Next things next.. nothing happens without my permission..so literally, you do not barge into my office without my permission...the next time you do that,what would happen...I'll tell you later..He said drily..

You are welcome Mr Huda..I heard myself saying..
Ya illahi..how on earth did I say this aloud..my crazy nerves will surely be the end of me some day..nd this big guy is gonna have my head soon..

What did you say?..he questioned arching his brows..

Umm nothing...I said I am sorry..I lied..

You better be..now leave my office..he said sending me a near death glare..

I scampered off before his cold glare freezes me..

Back to my table.. writing proposals..

6 proposals later...I was so tired..I decided to rest for some time...

Why the hell re you sleeping?came his voice waking me up..

I... I am..I did..I spluttered

This is 11:00am already..I gave you just 10 files to work on..nd u had the guts to sleep when you are not done with my work..he hollered...

I am sorry...

You are just too drippy for my liking..such an odious PA ammo has gotten for me..

Am so sorry Mr Huda..I didn't..

Save it..he said cutting me short..
The only reason you are not getting punished is becoz this is your first mistake...the next time you sleep in work.. especially without finishing my work..what I'll do..I'll tell you later..you better stop being a deadloss and get to work..he hollered nd stormed into his office...

I really don't know how..buh some how..I managed to survive his harsh words without breaking down..I was able to finish the four pending files before he came out..he didn't say anything to me..buh I guessed twas time to go home so I hurriedly organized my time,kept the files in my drawer and trailed behind him as fast as I could..I managed to enter the elevator just in time before he pressed the buttons..

The ride home was a quite one..like deafening silence filled the  atmosphere..I slowly recalled everything that happened at work..nd I felt 1 or 2 or even more tear drop escape my eye..the moment he pulled up...I rushed outta the car to my room..too bad sak nd farr were there..I tried behaving normal tho..

  Hey maytess...I cooed with a  fake grin..

Hii mayte..they chorused..

How was your first day at work..sak asked
Nd why re you looked pale..farr added...

Guyyy...this gurl observes too fast..

My first day at work was great..I lied..

You haven't answered my question though..farr said collecting my bag..
Nd why didn't you eat the chocolate..she added

Wahhapened swii?..they chorused..

I am fine baby..I lied to sak

Listen you can lie to baby buh you should not lie to me..farr said..

I am fine honey..I said faking a smile..

There's no problem if you don't want to talk about it..buh if it's about ya Huda just try enduring him..with time you'll get used to him..farr said..

We'll leave you now to get some rest..sak said and they both left the room..

That instance,my eyes glistened with tears..I rushed intoy bathroom and stood directly under the shower..I let the water wash down my tears as if to reduce the pain... that what I usually do whenever I get scolded by baba or anty ruqayya..it's either I stand under the shower or rain...I'll cry under for as long as possible until raky or mmah stops me...afterall, Nadia never cared ...

I cried even more when I realized there's no one to console me over here..since I partially chased the people that would have consoled me...

#. #. #.  

A loud thud on my bathroom door brought me back in zone..

Eeman..if you're done bawling your eyes out you can please come out..sak shouted..

I am just fine sak..I spluttered

Of course you aren't...I won't ask you to tell me what happened..I just want you to come out..sak voiced

Coz.. you've been there for like 5 hours...farr added..

This girls are just lying..let me just go out...

I quickly removed my drenched abaya...nd wrapped my self in a big towel..

Subhanallah..is it really 6:30pm?I asked..
No..it's still 1 pm..the same time you came back..from work..farr replied..

Nd don't tell me you've been under the shower..sak said..

No..I was..(I sneezed even before completing my statement)..

Bad liar..far said..now you're really gonna catch cold..come go get some steaming milk..

This statement reminds me of when mmah will say "come let's go get some tumeric..so you wouldn't catch cold"

I really miss her..

After taking the milk,I felt better..I observed my salah nd drifted off to sleep..

Helloooo...who missed me...

So awwaz her gist day at work 🌝🌝

Did huda ehn... insulting the poor girl....👿👿

So coz of sch..I won't be updating frequently...buh I'll try my best...

Please show some love 😍😍




I luv y'all😍🖤😊🌝🌝😊😃🤍❣️🌞

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