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Stop... came Mr Hudas voice..

Why buddy?..Ray asked...

She's my PA...


She'll go with me..

C'mon bro..she was about to go with me...

I am her boss.. nd I will decide who she'll go with..Mr Huda said..

Really?...over to you swii..make your choice...nd I'll respect your decision...Ray said

I was dumbfounded.. what to do..what to do...yh..he made me walk to the office..what if I go with him nd he sends me out of his car again..

"I'll go with Ray"...I voiced

Nd who is Ray?..Mr Huda asked

Mee..Ray squealed..I won bro..see ya later..he said dragging me outta the office..

I hope he's not stressing you..he said after starting the engine..

No..I'll cope..



So..care for a song?..

Yhh can I connect?..

Sure.. Indian koh...

Obviously 😁😁

He connected my phone to the radio nd played "Tu Meri" over and over again...

Favorite song?..he asked

Yes..I replied

Wow.. similar taste..

It's your favorite song too?

No..it's Huda's favorite song..

Wow..nice..u said sarcastically ..

Smile..age?..he asked

17+..I pouted

Thats cute..m 22..he said

Nice.. favorite color..I asked


Red and black...

Another similar taste..

Really..I asked arching my brows...

Yes..but his' is blue and black...

I see ...favorite county?..

Oman and India..

Awwwn... similar taste..my fav country is also India..I hope his fav country is not India..

Lolz...I never asked about his favorite country so..I don't know...hobbies?

Sleeping and making new friends..wbu?

Same here....

Yayyy..now we have two similar tastes..

I know rii... sports?


Which one? ...he asked

Basketball and badminton..I replied..

Wow..all A_B_Jalal sons and daughters loves Bball...buh I love volleyball too..

That's niceee...

Nd now we're gonna pull up..he said

That was a long ride y'know..I said raising up my hands as if to stretch my body...

Tsk tsk tsk... seems you got too engrossed in my face that you didn't see the road...

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