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The car halted in front of a magnificent black gate...the gate slid open revealing a huge beautiful story building...we pulled up in the large parking lot with parking space for up to 10 cars if not more...

I couldn't help but gawk at the building...I wouldn't say my house is not big...buh compared to this,am really short of words...I managed to close my mouth to prevent unplanned drooling...

Let's go in...Am I said smiling at me...

Guyyy...the moment I stepped my foot into the living room,I literally froze...

Like...that very place screams BEAURIIIII....the beautiful leather sofas are white in color with splashes of gold ....the rug is pitch black...the large screen touch TV ....the diamond looking center table has a beautiful gold vase sitting on it..there are beautiful throw pillows of different shapes and sizes decorating the sofas...the white curtains with splashes of gold nd black hung comfortably on the wall...Everything in that room is literally either white,black or Gold...including the paint...its painted white giving it a matured vibe.....everything in the room is just classy and on point.....

I wonder how other parts of this house will be...can't wait to explore

Shut up!

Eeman?..ammi called...I can ca you that right?


Let's get going..we entered a room which I guess is one of the guest rooms...

...have some rest...okay?


The size of the bed is actually the same with my bed at home....twas laid with white bedsheet nd duvet...there are 3 pillows sitting comfortably on the bed...there is a large vanity table filled with different lady stuffs(mostly oriflame)...there is a cream sofa with a cream rug in front of it...there's a study table at one edge of the room...the wall is painted cream with splashes of gold giving it a relatively warm vibe...the walk in closet is filled with different abayas,hoodies,sweatpants,gowns,bags,shoes and whatnot....

Omg....re all these for me?

How did she get my taste so good...

Shut up

Every lady likes whatever is you re seeing..


Talking about the toilet, twas literally white....like...sparkling white. ...

I took a very refreshing bath....performed wudhu,observed my salah and jumped on the bed...I was already half asleep when a knock on the door woke me up...

I stood up lazily and opened the door..a beautiful lady came in view holding a tray filled with snacks and drinks...

Ammi asked me to give you this...can I come in?


..am Farha..Ammis niece...

..am Nabeelah...you can call me eeman(I really miss being called eeman so I want to get some people overhere to call me eeman)

...masha Allah..you are beautiful...

..thank you ...you are also  very beautiful...

..thank you...so I'll let u rest before Ammi skins me alive....

Okay...thank you so much...

..you are welcome...(nd she left)..

Wow....I like her already..I hope we'll get along...

I devoured the snacks so heartlessly...I then sent it to its final destination in my stomach with the chilled orange juice...

..my phone beeped...I know who it is already...only Ammi has my number...she sent a message"don't worry about the dishes...farha will come get them..just eat and get some rest"...

..okay Ammi..thank you..I replied..

I drifted off to sleep nd woke up when twas time for maghrib...I prayed maghrib,then ishaa...I was folding my hijab when someone knocked on my door...I just knew twas ammi...(I opened the door)

...salam Ammi....
..walaikissalam eeman..she said sitting on my bed...she tapped the space next to her signalling me to sit(then I sat)..


Yes ammi...

Are you ready to call home?..

This question really sent shivers down my spine...

Okay eeman...I won't compel you to tell me anything...you're free to tell me at anytime...let me leave you to rest...

No ammi...I'll tell

Listen eeman dear...you shouldn't do what you dont want to....

No ammi...its fine...I'll tell...

Okay dear

I told her everything about me. ...i also narrated everything that happened that night to her up to the point of the accident... I was breaking down already...I wanted to blink back the tears that found their way to my eyes buh she stopped me...

Let it out Eeman...its fine...everything will be alright...nd inshaAllah we'll find the culprit that murdered your parents...just feel at home...feel free to tell me anything at anytime (then she pulled me to her for a hug...a motherly hug....what i needed the most at that time..I had no other choice but to break down in her arms)...

I miss mmah so badly...I said amidst sobs....

I know my dear...buh I can  be your mom y'know(my face lit up)...



Then can I call you mmah? ..

Ummmmm....that will be a No...she said then paused looking at my face which had a disappointed look...


Because...I don't want you to ever be sad...calling me mmah...might end up opening the wounds we are trying to close here...fahim?(do u understand?)(in Arabic)...

Na'am (yes).. Ammi...

Okay...so...you are an inderian....


Indian and Nigerian...


Thats nice...well..I am an aradian...arabian and Indian...but the India is just of bits....I am from kuwait...

Wow...so I can finally learn Arabic...

Of course...so you should get some rest now..I'll introduce you to the members of the family tomorrow...

Okay ammi..

Nd yes...I hope you like the stuffs in your close..sorry they aren't much...they wasn't enough time to order much....

Thanks so much ammi....they are more than enough...

C'mon dear...Good night...sleep well okay...

Good night Amiiii....................

Yet another update to make up for the previous chapter....

I actually don't know how to describe well oo...so manage my description oooo🙏🏼😁🙏🏼🙏🏼😁

soo...next chapter nabeelah is gonna meet the other family members ...let's see how it goes....see yaaaaa

please don't forget to





With lots of love...


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