❣️ 08 ❣️

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Someone should tell me what is going on here before I get to my own conclusion from what I am seeing....ya Rayyan voiced angrily...

Eeman speak up...ya Rayyan Hates talking without getting a response nd Rahina obviously won't say anything.....sak who was already standing by my side whispered...

I tried talking buh my lips glued to each other... when I managed to detach them,ya Rayyan spoke again...

For the last time....what happened here?

Umm...umm..I said my lips quivering

Eeman....he said rather questioning

...ya Rayyan...I am...I was...I just... okay...I wanted to ...go see Ammi...so...I left my room....buh without my phone....umm..the lights went off...ND I didn't want to go back...I thought I'll make it to Ammis room without the light...I actually didn't see her coming...wallahi I didn't do it on purpose...I hit her....her food poured...ND then the light restored...Ya Rayyan..wallahi ban zuba mata abinci da gangaa ba...ban

(I didn't pour her food on purpose)

Oh really....Rahina said cutting me short...

You are still denying it Koh(right?)...you pushed me on purpose.....why re you lying....she hollered with an evil smirk plastered on her face

Shut up Rahina...why re you raising your voice in my presence?...he asked

Am sorry ya Rayyan.... she retorted

Now clean it up...he commanded

Ya Rayyan?...what am I cleaning up?...

Everything... CLEAN. IT . UP!

Ya Rayyan...I...she...but..

No excuses Rahina... clean it up...

Okay ya Rayyan...she said sending obvious daggers my way...

Buh...can sak help?...she asked...

Her choice...Baby will you help?...ya Rayyan asked facing sak..

..am so doing this coz of you bro...sak said after obviously rolling her eyes at Rahina...

..okay..I'll walk eeman to Ammis room...ya Rayyan said making Rahina to give me a serious "Bombastic side-eye"...

Don't worry ya Rayyan...just save yourself the stress..I managed to say

C'mon swii...I insist...

Ya Rayyan...m Not in the mood anymore...I'll go see Ammi tomorrow...for now...I'll just go back to my room..

Fine...I'll still walk you

Subhanallah...why can't this guy just leave me alone....ND as for Rahina...why being this cold...am just meeting her for the first time fah.... okay let me find out if she's naturally like that or she's not just okay with me...even if it means letting ya Rayyan walk me to my room...


(After few steps)

Umm...we both said at the same time...

You go first..I said

Okay...am sorry...he said


Rahina ....

Ohh.... nevermind...it's her house afterall...

That doesn't give her the right to talk to you like that...

It's fine...but....


Is she usually like that..or ....she's just being like that to me?...I questioned

Rahina...is naturally cold...baby ND honey will gladly give you her gist...

Umm...baby?.. honey?...I asked almost laughing...

Yh...that's what I call sak and farr...


And you're swii....we both laughed...

Thank you ya Rayyan...


Coming to my rescue..


Yh...first twas ya Huda and  now...Rahina...

C'mon... Nevermind...by the way...I saw everything that transpired between you and Rahina...


Yh....sak and I  were coming to your room to say hi when the lights went off...I was about to go back when you smacked into each other...I wanted to come over buh I decided to wait and see if Rahina will be Rahina towards you or not...And of course being the Rahina that she is...she behaved that way...Am sorry for the harsh words she said to you..he said holding his two ears like a baby..

I couldn't help buh stare at him

C'mon swii...am sorry...he whined..

C'mon ray..I whined back
Am sorry...ya Rayyan...I said realizing I just called him ray

Abeg don't blame me...he's too cute to be called ya Rayyan..

Shut up!

Did you just call me Ray?...he asked arching his brows...

I am sorry...Ya Rayyan..

It's fine...I like it though...am tired of being ya Rayyan..

Seriously?....I asked stupidly

Yes swii..

Okay Ray....we both laughed

Good night swii

Good night ya Rayyan...

Watchu say?

Good night Ray...

Sweet dreams...he whispered and left

I prayed ishaa...ND flung my self on my bed....

∆. ∆.


Heyy.. happy 2024 fams...
.. long time no update.....m so sorry....my phone is  unavailable for now....nd until further notice I might not be updating.....m so sorry for the inconveniences....
I'll make it up to you guys sooner or later....

Please show some love as u always do....

Please don't forget to


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