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A loud knock on the door woke me up...

...ya illahi....who's this raky's coefficient over here....

Oooh...it must be farha...

Good morning farha...I said opening the door...

Good morning Nabeelah...am sakeena...Farhas cousin....

Awwwnn....MashaAllah...you are beautiful...

...thanks...you're also beautiful y'know...I thought farha was exaggerating...

..I heard u sakeena..farha said..

Eavesdropping is not right y'know...sakeena retorted...

I wasn't eavesdropping...I was coming to call eeman....

Wahrevva...nd you never told me nabeelahs name is eeman...sakeenah said feigning hurt...

Haba sak...na manta neh(I forgot)...farha said

...so you girls have already discussed my Mata koh...I said facing farha...

..haba Eeman..ba haka ba(its not like that)...sak was disturbing me neh....she forced every info I had about you out of me...well except that your name is also eeman......she even wanted to come see you yesterday but I managed to stop her...ki yi hakuri(don't be offended)...m so sorry....Farha said making irresistible puppy eyes....

C'mon Farr...am not angry ...its fine...I said..

O.M.G...how do you know her pet name is farr...ouch...snitching of the highest order...so after you asked me not to come...u still came nd told her about yourself koh...wallahi kun chuche no(wallah You guys have cheated me)...sak said in one breath...

Haba sakibby...she didn't tell me...I just thought farha could be called farr in short...since sakeena is sak or keenah or sakibby in short...I said

Thank you Eeman...if only this coconut headed sakeenah will understand...

Understand what...I can see we are having a meeting with out me...another lady said entering the room...

Good morning ya nisa...Farr nd sak chorused ...I actually joined them...buh I didn't say ya Nisa...

..Good morning girls..good morning Nabeelah...how are you?...

..I am fine...

..I am Anisa...You can call me ya Nisa...I am Ammis niece....


..actually ammi asked me to call you guys...

..okay.. we chorused proceeding to the large living room down stairs...

..we salam-ed before entering...ya Illahi...did i ever say this?...I hate too many eyes on me...apart from the Ladies I came with,I could count at least 6 eyes on me....

Walaikumussalam...ammi said after every other person...

..come forward eeman..she added

Subhanallah....RN I feel like running outta this place ....buh i had no other choice so..I stepped forward...

..so every body...meet my new daughter...Nabeelah...I already told you about the circumstances surrounding her being here ....so...let's get started with the introduction already...

Nabeelah..meet my husband...Alhaji Abduljalal ibrahim Garba....

..Good morning sir...

..How re you my dear?...

..I am fine...

..you can call me abba okay?...


Meet my darling sister in law...Hajiya Lubabatu Abduljalal...Abbas elder sister

...Ina kwana ma(Good morning ma)...

..lafiya nabeela...ya kike(how re you?)...


..call me mommie..okay?


Meet my sweet sister in law...Hajiya Labiba Abduljalal..abbas younger sister...

..good morning ma...

..good morning dear....how re you?...

..am fine...

..that's good...call me ummi okay?...

...yes ma...

Ammi since you have introduced all the elders,you can now let us take up from where you stopped...sak and farr chorused.....

Of course...i am already tired...ammi said nd left the room with the other elders trailing behind her...

...soooo....eeman meet ya kamal..ya nisas elder brother,Ya fareed...farrs elder brother,nd ya Rayyan...my elder brother....sak said in one breath...

Hiii...they chorused...

...I can see you guys are forgetting me as usual....one fair looking guy who actually was not introduced said....

..well eeman...meet ya Fawzan..my darling big bro...nd saks crush big time....farr voiced with sak giving her this "I'll kill you" eyes

Hello pweety...well for proper personal introduction,I am fawzan...the most handsome of them all....nd the one with the most charming smile...he said adjusting his invisible Babban riga...

Omg...he's really handsome...nd as for the smile...its freaking charming...

Hiiiii....nice meeting you all....I am Nabeelah...you can call me eeman...

..okay..they chorused..

..ummmm.....there are some other members....Ya Huda...Ammis son,Ya Nifa...ya nisas twin sister    and rahina...a distant relation....ya huda is at work, ya Nifa has gone back to her house ....nd Rahina is where only God knows....in conclusion,ya nisa nd her siblings re Babas children...Baba is Abbas late elder brother...Farha nd her siblings are mommies children and ya Rayyan nd I are ummis children...sakina said....

Nd finally...meet sakeena (farr said)and farha(sak said)...the crazy Abjalals...they chorused stressing the crazy...

Well...hello sak nd Farr...I think I know you two already...nd i hope I'll be able to recall everyones name...this is really a "HOUSEFULL"...I hope you all have watched the movie....I said making every one to laugh ...

So...I heard you are Indian...am so pleased to meet you...I hope my hopes of learning hindi can still be kept high koh....ya fawzan said...

Yh...buh m not fluent fah..I just pick up words from mmah...

OK...not bad...we'll also pickup from you .. Ya Rayyan said...

So...I'll like to know more bout India....later sha...ya fawzan said

..toh ba damuwa...(okay no problem)...

And we continued gisting...with ya nisa,ya kamal nd ya fareed long gone...just Me,sak,farr,ya fawzan nd ya rayyan....I really love their company already....



Namaste famz....nd how was d intro...I hope u loved it....if u really did den please show some love by





AI luv y'all


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