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.. Nabeelah..


After delivering his coffee.....He informed me that they'll be no meeting buh I should stay in the office....

Buh me being stubborn me....I wanted to hang out with Ray...so I texted him..

Me:hey ray
Ray😘: hi swii
Me:care for coffee?
Me: cafeteria?

At the cafeteria...

We started chit chatting...

So do you know Anwar?...I asked
Yup... he's my best friend...he replied
Really...I asked just to be sure

Owk... that's nice..buh did you give him my contact?..

Nope...I wouldn't do that... without your permission..


Is everything okay?..

Yhh..just that an unknown number kept pestering me..

Lemme see..he said collecting my phone...

After looking at the unknown contact,he brought out his phone and even without telling...twas clear he was comparing the number with one on his phone...after about 5 seconds,he said...


Kamal...I repeated after him not understanding what he meant by Kamal... immediately...I collected my phone..after going through our conversation..it dawned on me that it's actually Ya Kamal...

Ya Kamal?...I questioned and my phone beeped immediately...twas obviously Mr Huda...

Immediately I picked it up,

Where the hell are you...he thundered directly into my eardrum 😫😫

I have to go Ray...m sorry...Mr Huda is ....

It's ok swii...he said beating me to it ...

At the office...

I asked you to stay around the office...where the hell did you go to?...he voiced immediately I entered the office

I went to eat...I replied..

With who...he questioned

Nobody..I lied

Don't you dare lie to me..he thundered

Why on earth is he getting angry😏😏

Who did you go out with?...he asked again

Ray..I answered

That's truancy miss eeman..you left without my permission...

M sorry Mr Huda...I said ducking my head....

He ignored my apology and left immediately nd I trailed behind him like a lost dog....


You are 1 minute late ...he said immediately I entered the office..

M sorry Mr Huda...I managed to say just to prevent any form of problem..

Who were you with...coz you left here way earlier than you should... Rayyan right..he said confidently

Wai..diyar humaira Kim samu monitoring spirit fa....(Humairas daughter... you've found a monitoring spirit)

Yes...no....yes...I replied when I realized he was waiting for my response....

As usual..he ignored my response...

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