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.. unedited..

..Rayyan's pov..

Six years ago

    On my birthday which was coincidentally my school prom...it happened to be kamals prom also..  the guy actually used to be  our senior... Huda's senior but he got expelled from his school due to regular truancy, u seriousness and most disgracingly, Examination malpractice...Abba said non of the A_B Jalal sons will be a drop out so he brought Kamal to our school and after series of whatever...our principal agreed to admit him on a condition that he'll be in Huda's set instead of being his senior...

As if the demotion wasn't lesson enough for him, he kept being truant and unserious and on their final WAEC examination, which happened to be maths and accounting, he was busy drinking away his senses and he missed the examination... Automatically making him my mate...well..that's if he s wanted to go on with his education...He finally became serious when he became my mate......

Back to the prom night...

Since it coincided with my birthday, we planned to celebrate my birthday immediately after the prom in my school...

Few hours to the prom, Kamal came to my room requesting for my prom suit...

Why Kamal?..that's my birthday and prom suit y'know...

I know.. please kiddo .. return it...

Ok..you can have it but be sure to return it before time...

Okay thanks....

30 minutes to time and Kamal wasn't back ...so I decided to check his room...on getting there, I saw the suit on his bed so I just picked it and left...

At the prom.....

You are late Ray...came her soothing voice...

M sorry swii..

No p..umm...are you...did you...


Your suit looks familiar to kamals ...


Yhh..he came with it some hours ago...

Ok..umm...he actually has the same.. but his' is purple

Ok.. Buh when he came he was wearing blue

C'mon swii...fine ...he asked for it...

And you gave him...

Why not... he is my brother afterall...

Wow...sannu brother...do you even know what he said about this suit..that after wearing it for a stroll..he is going to dump it on you for prom...

FIRDAUSI!!!...I yelled letting my anger get the best of me...

Yes...you can call me a blabbermouth again because of Ya Kamal.. infact Kamal...after he hurts you..you trust him yet again...he once implicated you...do you remember?..he accused you of spiking the teachers drink...and you took the blame..he came with exhibits to the exam hall and said you did almost sending you out of the hall if not for Huda..you would have been in big trouble...after all that you still keep trusting him....

Listen to me Firdausi...for the fact that you are my best friend and I tell you everything does not mean you'll use it against me...

Ray..you are calling me Firdausi koh... because of that Ya Kamal...

Is your name not firdausi?..

It is..but I clearly remember you saying you will never call me Firdausi except you are angry at me...just because I told you the truth..you are angry at me...and here you are calling me Firdausi Firdausi Firdausi..nice one..keep it up Rayyan....

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