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.. unedited..

.. Rayyan's pov..


You can say that again...

What's wrong with you?...

Nothing... I'm just having fun ..

Did you hit me on purpose?...

Of course.. if it was mistakenly,the bottle wouldn't have broken..

Why?...I questioned as I managed to stand up..

He swung the fire extinguisher at me striking me with a loud clang. ...And I think...I passed out...the next time I woke up, he was already strangling Firdausi ...

Let me go Kamal...she screamed

Of course I will...but straight into the pool..he snarled

You dare not..

Of course I do...why did you tell everyone about the suit...

Because you were lying...

It's none of your business..

It is...coz it's related to Rayyan...

Oh really...lover girl innit...

He's my best friend...

Save your nonsense and shut up...

I was about to stand up when someone held me back...

What are you doing here sakeenah?...

Ya Rayyan..I'm scared...I think the drinks got spiked ...every one is asleep except for ya Huda, Ya fawzan,Farr and I ...

Just go back there .. to the hall...I'll get firdausi and join you ..

Ya Kamal?..

I'll take care of Kamal..don't worry..

I was advancing towards them when he pushed her off the the ledge...

Rayaaaan!!!...she screamed

Firdausi!...I'll kill you Kamal...I swear I'll kill you..

Tsk tsk tsk...after I kill you right?...

You can't kill me ...coz I'll kill you if anything happens to firdausi...so just pray ..pray nothing happens to her or else...

Or else what...he said grabbing my neck..

Let go of me Kamal..she can't swim..Kamal... please let go of me..

Of course I will..I'll send you straight to your firdausi... bhooom!!!..into the pool

Kamal don't do this please..let go of ma..Dan Allah Kamal...ka sake ni(let go of me *in Hausa)...
He managed to strangle me till we reached the ledge..just in time to push me, sakeenah hit his head with the fire extinguisher making him to divert his attention to her..

How dare you.. little brat...

I'm sorry ya kamal... please let ya Rayyan go..

Ok...ok.. I'll let him go..on one condition..close your eyes and move some steps back ward...

The moment she closed her eyes, he pushed me and dragged her to to where only God knows..

Alhamdulillah I didn't fall since I managed to hold unto the ledge .. minutes passed and I was still there hoping that nothing had happened to firdausi... praying that someone will save her.. slowly,my grip was loosening..at that point...I thought I was going to die coz..there's no way I'll fall off a three storey building and survive it...I just had one last wish..to see firdausi...to see her fine..since she fell into the pool, she had slim chances of survival buh mine was clearly zero...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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