Chapter 11: Hero Vs Villains Training

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"You will be the last successor that I train"
Midoriya said blankly. Bakugo's gremlin smile faded off of his face as he came into realization as to just what that meant.
Not only did it mean that Midoriya was going to try to cure his immortality after he's finished training him, but it also meant that he was the last successor who had a chance at beating AFO. It meant that from that point onward, the users of OFA could only rely on the previous Successors rather than anyone else they could trust.

It also meant that whoever he gave OFA to would need to be trained by himself, he wouldn't have the help that every other successor up until that point had had.

"But why?"
Bakugo asked, the only thing present on his mind.

"Immortality is more a curse than it is a great power.
Yeah I might never have to worry about an injury or getting sick, but I'll never be able to grow up past this point.
Everyone I care about will eventually die, it'll be a continuous viscous cycle until I'm the only one left.

That's why...
While everyone is still around, while there are still people I can rely on, I need to find the cure"
Midoriya explained.

Bakugo shook his head, "tch. You better not try dying anytime soon."

Midoriya sighed, "as if I could. Not a concern you'll have to face for a while. "
He said, shaking his head.

"just how long have you been searching for a cure?"

"maybe a century and a half now. "

"oh, looks like I won't have to worry about you actually finding a cure."
Bakugo snarked, heading over to the door.
"see ya professor."
He waved his hand and exited the classroom.


It was a new day. And as per usual,a new day came with new problems.

Midoriya stood next to all might within ground beta.
Class 1-A stood before them. They were all suited up in their hero costumes and were ready to go.

Midoriya, while still a bit upset at all might, didn't let that interfere with how he treated him.

"Okay class listen up.
You will be put into pairs.

These pairs will be put up against eachother, 1 pair being the hero pair and the other pair being the villain pair.

The villain pairs' objective is to make sure the hero pair does not get to the weapon they are to guard within that building."
Midoriya paused, pointing at a large building in the distance.
"Do not let the heroes reach the weapon.

Heroes, your objective is to secure the weapon.
Get to the weapon.

Villains, there are 2 ways of winning.
Either 1, protect the weapon until time runs out.
Or 2, subdue both heroes.

Heroes, there are also 2 ways of winning.
Either secure the weapon before time runs out or subdue the villains.

In order to subdue the opposing pair, you must manage to tie them up with this capture tape.

This practice is of sparring, you are allowed to fight each other but you are not allowed to leave significant damage on each other or the building.

Try your best"
Midoriya said, finishing off the explanation.

"and with that being said, here are your pairs!"
All might said.
"Pair A- villains
Tokoyami and shoji

Pair B- heroes
Hagakure and uraraka

Pair C- villains
Todoroki and Iida

Pair D- heroes
Bakugo and monoma

Pair E- villains
Kirishima and Sero

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