Chapter 30: Clarification

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I'll train Monoma"
Midoriya said, annoyed but without a choice.

I'm glad we reached an agreement.
If either one of us break contract, the other has permission to kill the one who broke contract.
Sound good?"
AFO asked, clarifying the  conditions.

Midoriya replied.

"Wait isn't he immortal? How's that going to work?"
Monoma asked, confused.

"Since he can't die I get to kill his successor- if he breaks contract that is.
We've delt with this problem in the past before"
AFO explained, as though he were prideful.

"How much of me did you explain to him?"
Midoriya asked, reading over the contract once more before preparing to sign.

"I didn't speak of the past with him like I spoke with Tomura.
He knows of your quirk, how we're related, and just some important aspects of your personality and capabilities."
AFO said, signing the contract.

"...what exactly is it that makes you two respect these contracts so much?
You two both have the power to break contract and make it so that you don't face the consequences"
Monoma asked, unable to get behind the fact the two pulled up contracts like they were a regular basis.

AFO chuckled, "if Izuku's personality was anything like all might's, these contracts would be useless.
But it is because of who he is that these contracts work. He doesn't care to be a hero or a villain, he just does what benefits him and protects what he cares about.
I respect these contracts because I lose if I don't. He doesn't care about what he does and sometimes he'll sacrifice the things he cares about if a bigger variable is at play. So if I don't come to an agreement with him, I won't receive his help meaning I ultimately lose."
He thoroughly explained.

"it would also be helpful to explain that this is how we basically grew up"
Midoriya added, standing up from his seat.

"huh what do you mean by that"
Monoma asked, ever so curious.

"deals were the only way he'd listen as a kid"
Midoriya said, walking out of the room and leaving the two on that note.

Upon stepping out he found Giran chatting with Kurogiri, before walking over to them he checked on a bottle he saw in the base that looked oddly familiar.
After quick inspection,it became very obvious as to why the bottle was familiar.
"This is one of the energy potions I gave out to the classes today.
Well it's no surprise it's here when Monoma Is the traitor.
I'll just take this back"
He stuffed the bottle in his pocket and walked over to Giran.

"Hey professor. Long time no see"
Giran said, smiling as he shook Midoriya's hand.

"It's been a while."

"Kurogiri told me that you needed something?"

"Yeah, I wanted to sell these."
Midoriya lifted up the basket of agents, they basically sparkled like gold in Giran's eyes.
Midoriya took a seat beside him as Kurogiri prepared some tea for the both of them.

Same deal as the past?"
Giran asked, his eyes still locked on the agents.

The base price is 320,000 yen(2k usd). You're allowed a 40% cut of all total profit. Have the rest delivered to me once everything is sold"
Midoriya said as Kurogiri placed some tea before him.
He accepted it and drank a bit.

"hm. Could you tell me what the agents are?"
Giran asked.

"you'll need to know.
They're energy agents, they'll reduce all fatigue one could possibly have. The side effects range based on how tired the person who takes it is.
The base side effects are a stomach ache and an inability to sleep at night. But if someone who isn't tired at all takes it, they might have diarrhea and not be able to sleep for a couple days.
Additionally, these will expire in a week"
Midoriya explained, handing Giran the basket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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