Chapter 19: Prep

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"How did they know we were at the USJ yesterday...?"
Kaminari asked, frightful.

"we believe it has something to do with the security breach last week.

There's no confirmation yet but there's a chance that the news reporters were a mere distraction so that Important information could be stolen. Other than that, we don't know how they knew"
Aizawa replied.

"why did they attack? What was their goal?"
Yaoyorozu asked, she had woken up from the knock out hours afterward but was fine otherwise.

"according to professor Midoriya, they were there to kill all might.
When he wasn't there, they just continued attacking us"

"Speaking of professor Midoriya, is it true he fought that weird beast completely alone??"
Monoma asked, a look of disbelief present in his face.

"Yes he did.
But he'll speak more on that later-"
Aizawa was cut off when their was a knock at his door.
He turned his head and found Midoriya standing there.
Confused, he welcomed him in.

"We were discussing what happened yesterday, is there something you needed?"
Aizawa asked.

"Only popping in to check who's present to see what to prep for class.
Carry on"
Midoriya said, scanning the room.

The truth was Midoriya had visited to see if anyone was absent from the injuries they had sustained, almost considering taking their injuries into his own hands.

"No one's absent.
And no one looks to be in too many bandages except for Bakugo."
He mentally noted, about to exit the room.

"Wait professor!"
Sero shouted.

Midoriya paused in his step, almost halfway out the door. "Yes?"

"How did you fight that beast on your own???!"

"It was compromised mostly of quirks. Even it's strength. Only looks scary"
He replied stoically as he continued on his way out.

"Did anyone get to see him figh-"

"Bro I did.
It was insane! He was throwing punches faster than the beast could itself! HE KNOCKED IT OUT!"
Kirishima outbursted.

The class awed at the details.

"You got to see the fight??"


"Me and Bakugo were trying to find our way back out when we saw the fight!"

"Bakugo was there too, is that where the injuries came from??"

Bakugo screamed.

"Professor Midoriya didn't let us get hurt! Even though it was basically a 3v1! He was so cool!"
Kirishima continued.


"While we're in the topic of professor Midoriya, is it true he came and visited us in the hospital yesterday?"
Mineta asked.

"yes, professor Midoriya visited the hospital yesterday to check up on those who were sent."
Aizawa replied.

"Mineta, you didn't see him?"
Kaminari asked.

"no I passed out the moment they jabbed me with a needle"
Mineta replied.

"Crazy, he was there when they finished wrapping my arm up in a cast."
Kaminari said, waving his casted arm.

"he called my mom for me"
Asui added.

"me too!"

"when I awoke I found both my parents by my bedside telling me that my teacher had called, I guess it was him"
Yaoyorozu said.

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