Chapter 21: Work in Progress

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"Nice to have you back, Professor"
Dr. Garaki said, emerging from the darkness of the lab.
Midoriya flicked on the light, blinding him in the process.

Midoriya glared down at him. He was a short man with little hair, only a large mustache present on his head. He wore large round glasses and a lab coat.
"Shouldn't you be dead?"
He asked.
He knew Dr. Garaki decades, almost a century, ago, and had met him when he was already middle aged.

"Not with my quirk around. You would know what that's like.
Granted, your quirk also heals you instantly and keeps you young. I just can't die as easily. AFO even duplicated-"
Dr. Garaki was cut off.

"okay I get it. You're not dead."
Midoriya stated, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"what are you doing in my lab. I'm sure AFO already informed you that I prefer working alone"
He said.

"yes yes, AFO already informed me of your preferences and your likes. Even warned me. But-"


"I just wanted to work with-"

Midoriya said, glaring at him now.

"Fine. You're no fun, tch. I left you notes on all the Nomu and our progress. Tell us if you have any ground breaking discoveries"
Dr. Garaki said, annoyance evident in his croaky voice.
He made his way out the lab, Midoriya shut and locked the door behind him.

He looked around, he was alone and surrounded by Nomu.
He walked over to the island counter and grabbed the notes that were left for him. Intrigued, he grabbed the notes and quickly read through them and figured out what he didn't know.

"Okay so they are made from corpses. Knew it.

The machines are already loaded with some of the quirk serums to physically modify them...
Some of them got to keep their original quirks"
He thought to himself, skimming over the details he already knew.
After that, he put the book away and got to work.

I need to figure out how to make these things smart.
I'll use some of the cells from their brain and make some of agents I already know of to see what effect it has I'll need random samples from the Nomu here and I'll need a control group.
...this is going to be a long tedious process"
He thought to himself.
He knew of many agents that would help with intelligence, their issues being the side effects and how temporary they were. But because he knew of all these concoctions, he would need many samples of brain cells and would have to make these concoctions.
"I'll need to write down what these concoctions are, what effects they had, and figure out how ill know the brain cells are showing intelligent activity. That's difficult enough on its own. Then I have to figure out potential side effects. And then after they I have to figure out how to make the results permanent. This is gonna be annoying, "
He thought to himself as he got to work.

He started by first finding all the supplies he'd need and then becoming organized, and after that he started the actual process.
He did a random selection on the Nomu via spinny wheel. He then collected their brain cells and put them in their own petri dishes.
He made a couple control groups and from there, the easiest part of the process was done.

Then, he had to make the agents.

The sound of boiling could be heard, all around were beakers over a lit flame. Fumes released into the air, toxic for the average human. Anyone else would've needed protective gear.
Midoriya on the other hand remained unaffected.

After the agents were done brewing he transferred them all into their respective bottles and let them cool off.
He labeled each one with each known side effect and grabbed the petri dishes.

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