Chapter 4

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His eyes met mine. Almost telling me what I was in for, what I was about to go through. "We will land in ten minutes; plan to be out the door then. I'll have my men escort you." He said, puffing on his cigar before closing and locking the door behind him.

I could feel the frustration building up, and my fist immediately balled up, ripping a hole through the wall. "Tom!" Bill shouted out, rushing towards me. "Just leave me alone!" I said, pushing him away. "A-are you serious?" He asked, I could feel his tone saddened. His voice abruptly made me realize what I had done. I pushed him away, despite knowing that in this situation, I should not have.

I turn to him, "Bill... I'm sorry" I said, walking towards him. He stepped back. Almost terrified. I could see the pain in his eyes, but it seemed to fade, and his eyes squinted, revealing a small smile. He came closer to me and hugged me. "I understand you are frustrated, Tom. Everything will be okay" he said softly in my ear. I felt an absence of anxiety and a sense of calm surrounding me.

I felt safe. The door opened, and two men stepped inside. Each of them carries a gun. "Okay, move it!" They said, pointing the gun at us. Bill grabbed my hand and walked out the door. Georg and Gustav follow us. We walked down the plane's stairs, a cold breeze blowing across our faces. The smell in the air was different, and everything felt different.

We looked around; it was dark, and a few lights glowed in the distance, but nothing seemed out of place. "You won't be needing blindfolds. There's nobody who can help you here." One of the men spoke as he opened the car door. We all climbed inside and took a seat. The car started, and we drove off into the distance.

Looking around, we noticed bright, flashing lights. Buildings on every corner, with people walking down opposite sides of the street. From afar, the world did not appear to be so cruel. But I was aware that this was only on the surface.


The drive appeared to be long, and the guys had once again fallen asleep. Nonetheless, I made an effort to remain vigilant. When I looked out the window, I noticed we had entered a private area, a massive black gate with a bright gold letter 'K' in the center. The car came to a halt, and then the gates opened, causing it to turn and pull into the driveway. I roused Bill and the others, "Wake up, we are here," I said, patting their shoulders. They all opened their eyes, groaning and stretching. Again, a man opened the door, letting us out.

I was finally able to see the house that stood before us. It was a massive estate, with an off-white house, black roof and window frames, and yellow light illuminating the interior. I felt like a small child in the presence of such grandeur. We were about to walk towards the front door when we were stopped by a guard. "Not the front; you are going through the back." He indicated a long pathway behind the house.

We walked together to the back, passing through a bridge and a second set of gates. We descended some steps into the back of the house. It resembled a dungeon. If we had not known it was underground, we would have assumed it was another house. The area was dimly lit, giving the impression of a catacomb. "Follow me," the man said, walking down a narrow corridor.

Walking through it, we noticed a row of rooms with windows on each side. We saw people sparring, sharpening weapons, and drinking. "What is this place?" Bill whispered. "I am not sure..." I responded with a whisper. But it appeared that we drew their attention because the moment we caught their eye, they came out of the rooms and followed us.

As we continued down the hallway, reaching for large wooden doors, it appeared that we had about a hundred men and women following us, all walking in unison. Suddenly, the two large wooden doors swing open. An altar and three throne chairs awaited us at the end, directly opposite where we were. The man we saw earlier sat in the middle. Alongside him were two unfamiliar faces.

"Welcome," he said, smiling. The men had brought us nearer to them. "Knees," the man instructed, and the men behind us pushed us down, leaving us on our knees. "Thank you," he said, dismissing the soldiers. Suddenly, people from behind us filled the room around us, each standing on opposite sides, leaving the center open to us. The man's lips curved into a wide grin. "It appears you have gathered quite the audience," he remarked, laughing with the men beside him.

"Can you explain why we are here?" I yelled out, my voice echoing throughout the room. In the blink of an eye, guns and weapons were pointed directly at me. The man grinned. He raised his hand, motioning for everyone to drop their weapons. "Of course, I will explain everything right now." He said, clearing his throat.

"Tom, Bill. I believe it is only fair to tell you the truth about your father and the legacy he has left you. Bill and I turned to look at each other, puzzled. "Your father did not die when you were just a few months old. Or so your mother had told you. Your father left."

"What are you talking about, Old Man!" I shouted out. Bill tightened his grip on my arm. "Let him speak, Tom," he said. He cleared his throat. "When you were only a few months old, your father left. To take over the business that his father left for him. "The one you two are about to take over." He took out a letter with a black wax stamp on it and the same gold letter 'K' from the gate in its center.

"Here, I have your father's will and explanation." He said, ripping it open. He looked at us and said, "Shall I read the contents?" Bill and I looked at each other again, and I decided to let Bill make the decision. "Yes," he answered. "Very well, then," he replied, reading the first sentence.

"My beloved sons..."

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