Chapter 32

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I could hear the cries of Katherine, her soft sobs echoing through the hallway. It's like in that moment I gained a sixth sense, and I immediately knew where she was. Without hesitation, I approach the room where I heard Katherine and swing the door open.

I wasn't prepared for what I was going to see. Katherine, head and chest against the bed, her eyes closed, pleading to be let go. And Joshua, Liam's younger brother with his dirty fucking hands on her waist, moments away from penetrating her. "You sick fuck!" I shout out, grabbing the lamp on the nightstand and smashing it over his head.

"How dare you!" I shout out, tears running down my face from the built up anger. He looks up at me, dumb founded. "What?" He shouts out confused. "She wants this now get the fuck out!"

"She wants it?" I said, holding him by the collar of shirt. "She fucking wants it? She's crying!" And before I knew it, my fist made contact with his face and all I felt like doing in that moment was killing him. But I know better than that. I let go of my grasp on his shirt, getting up and grabbing a blanket while I maintained eye contact.

I wrapped the blanket around Katherine saying, "you're alright now. I've got you" and leading her out the room. I grabbed whatever she left in the room and took one last look at Josh, who sat on the ground, his nose bleeding and his eyes glued to mine as if he were to look in any other direction, I would kill him on the spot.

"You won't tell anyone of what happened. I'm sure rape wouldn't sit to well on your father's reputation. God forbid anything comes to light, given that you were being recorded this whole time," I said as I pointed Katherine's phone camera at him. I was lying, however. Katherine never recorded anything, but he didn't know that. I had to let him believe I had something on him, or else what happened to Katherine tonight, would happen to her again. One thing about guys like him, is that they won't stop. But I'll go to all lengths in order to protect Katherine.

I walked out of the room, taking Katherine and I back home.




The car ride back home was quiet. I had never seen Penelope that mad. After her talk with Joshua, she came out, leading me out of the party, and to her car, not a single word coming out of her. She was shaking with anger, and I was shaking with fear.

When we arrived at her house, she ran a bath, helping me undress. "Katherine, I'm really sorry... that wasn't meant to happen and it's all my fault" she said, turning to me. I could see the pain in her eyes as she looked at me completely ashamed. "It's okay, I'm just glad you came to save me..." I said, reassuring her. "It's not okay. I should've been with you the whole time. If you don't want a party anymore, I understand. I wouldn't want one after all of this" she said, face palming.

Truthfully, I didn't want a party after the experience I had tonight. But when Penelope said that she should've been with me to take care of me, I felt ashamed myself. She shouldn't have felt like I needed taking care of, no matter the circumstances. The last thing I wanted was to make my best friend do a chore, and that was taking care of me. "No. I want to go through with the party. I can't let this experience determine any of my other ones"

Penelope looked up at me, confusion apparent in her eyes. "W-what? Are you sure? Kitty you almost got-" I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence, saying, "I'm sure. And I'd rather not talk about it anymore. How about you help me pack for my trip tomorrow?" I suggested. "Sure" she said, smiling at me. "But first, let me wash off Josh's dirty germs off of my body!" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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