Chapter 27

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We were aware going into the interview that the more we discussed the subject of our disappearance, the more people, the media, and the police would want to learn the truth. For this reason, we rehearsed any scenario that might arise as well as any concerns that might raise issues with our narrative. We are, after all, skilled manipulators, murderous machines, and, most importantly, liars.

Ironic, because the one thing I hate the most is lying. "So, what now?" Georg asked, turning to us as we walked to our cars. "I have a couple things to take care of" I said, unlocking my car door. "Oh really? Who is the fortunate girl, then?" Gustav laughed and enquired. "That type of meet-up isn't it," I stated, rolling my eyes. "I need to collect a debt"

Gustav shook his head and added, "Killing at three in the afternoon, wonderful."

"I don't intend to murder anyone," I uttered while raising my revolver. "But if it gets to that point then so be it."

"I'm going with you" Bill announced, walking towards the car. I opened my mouth to say something but Bill got to me first, saying "Don't" as he glared at me. As Felix and the others conducted business in secret, the other clans assumed that since I had taken control of our clan, I would too. In my opinion, the Capo's custom of giving his soldiers orders to follow through was cowardly.

You're shaped to be a ruthless man, only to sit in the shadows and send out orders and occasionally show up to any important events. What kind of man are you if you're not the one leading your army into action. Clearly none of them learned that principle, which is why it was so easy to climb up the ranks. For a long time, opposing clans didn't seem to feel a level of terror and chaos in a long time. They just haven't met the right competition.

"Gustav and I are heading home." Georg said, "We just got a tip from the others that the police are on us."

"Will I expect to see them when I get home?" Bill turned to look at him. "Unlikely. Gustav checked his phone and remarked, "It's just an assumption, but either way we're going to clear the house just in case of an unexpected visit." I nodded and said, "We'll be back home soon," I then climbed inside the car staring the engine.



Tom drove us quickly through the city as we made fast turns on the highway. "So what's the deal with these guys?" I leaned back in my seat and said. He turned the wheel and muttered, "They owe me money," One thing about us is that we run on a mutualistic path. We knew that with all the other mafias and clans surrounded by us, business with them wouldn't be so easy. So we turned to business men of Chicago, politicians and other important public figures. Why? Because they were the ones that would frequently fall between the cracks, their enterprises gradually failing and their debts going unpaid.

That's where we came in and intervened, offering them financial support and stability with a price. The thing about people, especially in the business industry is that money is what drives them, it's what gets them their needs. And with money, comes power. Tom and I knew that. We were taught that. We strategically put on a smile, offered a helping hand and at the same time trapped people into a pact, forever staying in our debt. And although this appeared as a mutualistic benefit, helping them and ourselves....The only person it benefited was us. Because power comes with a price and the minute you go out of line, we will be there to collect your debt.

We had several well known businesses and establishments under us. We funded schools, law firms, police departments. All under our father's name so it wouldn't fall back on Tom and I. Especially to the public. We made sure to keep our public life separate from our private life. And with that, we controlled half of Chicago's establishment and businesses. Politicians, police, school advisors and prominent figures were all under our pay roll. But that wasn't all. Since that day in Germany, many clans allied with us.

Most did it out of respect for our father and others did it for sport, to see some competition with the knight, who was considered an untouchable. I never found interest with her, I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that she was so feared. Maybe I'll find out soon.

Tom and I stepped out of the car as we walked up to the front door of the businessman's estate. "Who is this man?" I asked Tom. "His name is Theo Trinity. He owns the very bank we keep our money in" he said, as he knocked on the door. "I see now" I replied, taking off my ring. When the doors opened we were greeted by two guards. "Who are you" they asked, holding onto their weapons.

"I'm here to speak with Theo, it's Tom" Tom stated coldly. The two guards immediately stepped aside, allowing us inside.



"They're concerned. They find it odd how you guys were able to stay in the US without being caught for basically coming into the country illegally." One of my men stated. "Well we're citizens now, I don't see the issue"

"It's not just that. They were looking into Jörg before his passing. They have an idea of what he's up to and with the appearance of you guys, they have reason to believe you're all carrying on his dirty work. They're coming over now. Do what you will with that information," he finally said before hanging up. I turned to Georg who listened to the whole conversation. "Tom isn't going to be happy about this" he said, pulling out his phone. "What do we do?" I asked.

"Well first we go home and clear out the place." He said, his foot pressing on the pedal. "I'll let him know." I said, dialing the phone.

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