Chapter 7

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I woke up hearing a big bang

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I woke up hearing a big bang.

I shot upwards, I groaned as I saw Felix holding a gun up in the air. He smirks and places it back in his leather holster. I bring my knees up to my chin, tiredly rubbing my eyes.

"Get up Princess, it's a busy day today," Felix says chuckling, I groan and roll my eyes. "I'm not a princess," I mutter, kicking my sheets off my legs. "Get breakfast, then down to the training room. You have some friends joining you today." He says slyly, exiting my room.

I raise a brow, friends? Tom?!

I quickly fumble out of my bed, running to the door to catch up to Felix. "Felix!" I yell out, he pauses and turns around on his toes. "Yes?" He answers, "What friends? Tom?" I ask worriedly, he shrugs. "Breakfast then training room." He sternly says, turning the corner.

I groan and head back into the room. I fix myself up and my hair. I've been going without makeup for a couple of months. They say it's not a part of my training to be a sissy and wear makeup. Though, I'd like to disagree.

In all honesty, I'm popular for my looks. And I look good doing it. But, being focused on my makeup was no longer a privilege. Not when I'm being tormented. I've lost all hope to make it out of this hell hole. I wondered if Tom was planning his escape. I wondered if he'd leave me here. No, no. He wouldn't. He'd come back to get me at least... right? I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. He's here. I know it. I feel his presence.

I finish getting ready, I leave my room and walk to the kitchen. I sat down, and a bowl of mush slid from the table down to me. It's oatmeal, but the taste says otherwise, hence why I call it mush. I'd eat it every morning and it was getting repetitive at this point. I was getting mad at it; it made me want to crack. Crazy how simple food makes you want to die.

"I'm not going to eat this," I say, pushing it away as I stand up. "Don't eat? Get beat." The Chef says. I squint my eyes. "What? You feel disrespected that I don't want to eat this shit?" I ask, sliding my chair in angrily. "Eat. It." He demands, "No." I say, "Yes!" He yells with a low growl.

We shouted at one another back and forth until we were quickly cut off.

"Hey! Cut it out. No time for fucking arguing, you're taking too long. Let's go." Felix yells out to me. I smirk at the chef, turning around to Felix and walking up to him. "After you," I say cheekily, holding my arm out. Felix grabs my shoulder and pushes me forward. "Don't act smart." He mutters. I roll my eyes and walk down to the training room.

Felix unlocks the training room door, pushing the steel door in. I step through. Once in, I see Gustav and Georg sitting on the bench seats. My eyes widen seeing the two familiar faces. Georg stands up with a gasp. I run up to Georg, hugging him tightly. From the corner, I hear Gustav slightly laughing, he hugs me from behind. I turn around embracing Gustav. "What are you guys doing here!" I ask, touching them and holding their faces manically.

It had been a month since I'd seen them and yet, they seemed to be perfectly fine, if anything they seemed to be a buffer.

"Line up!" Merlin yells, we quickly detach from each other, lining up next to one another. I place my hands behind my back, holding them together. Felix starts to pace back and forth. Merlin takes a step back, giving Felix some space. "Today, you will be battling each other, Learning each other's weaknesses. And then we will work on them. That being said, there should be no weaknesses." Felix says harshly.

I look around slowly. My mind was running a hundred miles per hour. Seeing Georg and Gustav was a glimpse of hope. My thoughts trailed off, leaving me to wonder...

Where is my brother?

"Where's Tom?" I mumble to Gustav, he shrugs and then nudges his chin to Felix. I didn't dare to ask Felix. I've already sassed Felix today, he'd kill me if I did it again. I especially didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the guys.

I'll stay quiet and keep to myself, I thought.

"Now, go down to the chambers and grab your weapons." Felix demands, "Merlin, take them." He says. Merlin nods, opening the door. I see Leonel walk in, nodding to Merlin, and then walking up to Felix. Leonel places a hand on Felix's back, walking him over to the corner of the room.

Merlin snaps at us, "move it!" He says, and we follow him quickly. He leads us towards the back. We follow him down the stairs, walking down into another level of the chambers. A big round door is at the end of the hall. Merlin grabs his keychain, holding up many keys. He places one into the keyhole, jiggling and twisting it into the lock.

He opens the door, and a nasty, metallic smell emits from the weaponry chamber. "Head on in, choose what you think is best," Merlin says with a smirk, slowly one by one we creep inside. The door we used to enter the chambers suddenly slammed shut behind us. I quickly turn my head.

"What the fuck!?" Georg shouts out, "Giving you five minutes!" We hear Merlin say from outside. "What is this? A gamble?!" Gustav asks, "Not quite." I mumble. "Well, what are you guys going to pick?" I ask as we walk in further to the chamber.

It was cold, and I could hear a weird humming noise. At first, it sounded like a buzz, but as we walked closer it sounded like muffled words.

"Do you guys hear that?" I whisper, "Hear what?" Georg asks. He soon notices the same sound, "Wait that?" Gustav asks, implying the weird humming. "Yes, that," I whisper, smacking Gustav's shoulder. "Maybe it's the pipes," Georg suggests. I shake my head, "No it sounds like a person." I whisper.

I start to walk towards the noise.

"Wait," Georg says, grabbing my wrist. "What?" I ask, turning my head back to them. "You don't know what that is, or who it is. It could hurt you." Georg says, Gustav nodding behind him. "Like I'm not getting hurt every day nonetheless?" I raise my voice slightly. "It's just not worth it, we should get the stuff and hurry," Gustav says.

I snatch my wrist away from Georg.

"You guys go get the weapons. I just want to see." I say. They look at me worriedly. "Please be careful" they whisper out.

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