Chapter 18

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When I stepped out of the bathroom, an outfit was put on the bed, along with shoes and a headpiece. I grabbed the shirt, sliding it on. A small piece of paper fell from inside of it. I knelt, picking up the piece of paper. Opening it up, a phone number was written along with a note

I hope to hear from you soon, Tom.

I sighed, crumbling up the piece of paper and throwing it in the trash. She seemed like the type to enjoy sweet nothings and lovemaking in bed. If I was fifteen, I would've been into it. But I don't do sweet nothings and lovemaking. This was nothing but a quickie. I finished getting dressed, put on some cologne, and walked out the door.


Gustav, Georg and I waited for Tom below. "What's taking him so long?" I asked worriedly. Gustav remarked, "He's probably still getting worked on."

"Or maybe he's fucking her," Georg laughed. Disgustingly, I exclaimed, "That woman's like forty..." Gustav shrugged and replied, "Sex is sex." I rolled my eyes. dispelling the idea that my brother slept with an elderly woman.

The elevator doors opened and Tom walked out, buttoning his suit jacket. "Sorry I'm late," he said, walking towards us. "What took you so long?" I asked. "She had to fix my hair," he said, walking towards the exit door. "What? How long could that even take-"

"Questions later. The limo is outside" he said, directing his head for us to follow him. "Oh he definitely fucked her," I said, crossing my arms. Tom never made eye contact with me when he lied and especially wouldn't answer my questions. "Told you," Georg said, laughing. We all walked to the limo, the driver opening the door for us. We were only moments away from revealing our identity to the public and revealing our existence to the world...


As soon as we got to the location, we understood that this was more than simply a ceremony—every mafia, clan, gang, and cartel in the world was invited to participate. Felix said there will be a lot of people here who our father knew. To what extent did our father know people? 

We passed the group of people and cars gathered at the venue's entrance and proceeded down a quiet road. "Where are we going?" I asked the driver. "Mr. Genovini instructed you all be dropped off at the back entrance," he said, halting near an entrance. He got out of the car and opened the door for us.

We walked out, and a man who stood outside opened the back door for us. We walked up the staircase which led us to a room. Tom opened the door, inside Felix, Merlin, and Leonel sat near a fireplace. "I'm glad you've all arrived safely," Merlin said, checking his watch. "And quite elegant, might I add," Felix said, smiling. Leonel approached us, "Gun inspection" he spoke out to us.

In a matter of seconds, we all pulled out our weapons, revealing the various amounts of knives hidden inside our suit jackets, guns held in our waistbands, and pistols strapped against our legs. "Very good," he said, nodding to us. I looked over at Tom whose demeanor switched to a sinister one the instant he laid eyes on them. If there was one thing we all shared in common besides our passion for music, it was our shared animosity for Felix, Merlin, and Leonel.

But Tom, he loathed them the most. He endured unimaginable agony because of them... yet I was feeble, incapable of taking action. I was gradually succumbing to the grip of darkness. How I wish I could've been there for him...

"Since your father passed away four years ago, we have kept a low profile and have done everything in our power to preserve the remnants of the clan. We have put forth a lot of effort over the past four years to mold you into strong enough men to guide this clan out of its terrible past. This is a staged event meant to look like an auction. Everyone comes here hoping to bring home one of your father's many things." stated Merlin.

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