Chapter 6

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One Month Later November, 20th, 2004

A month has passed since the incident. A month since the guys and I were taken away. I'm not sure how much longer I will be here, but I know that I already can't bear it. It would be an understatement to say that living here is painful. It was not just painful; no. It was torturous.

Every day, I was forced to fight for my survival. Every day, I was beaten down, stripped naked, and whipped. "Please... Don't hurt me. I can't take it!" I would cry out in agony. "Shut the hell up you fool. Nobody can help you here. Get the hell up!" Leonel shouted out. It was a constant routine of waking up, eating, fighting, reviewing tactics, and finally sleeping. Sometimes I wished I would never wake up.

What motivated my father's actions? There were so many unanswered questions. Nonetheless, I grew to despise him despite his death and the life I was forced to live. I hadn't spoken to Bill once. Not since the day we all got separated. I remember seeing him as I walked past the hallways. He seemed to be doing better than I was, at least physically. His face had a few scars.

I believe it is safe to say that the light in our eyes has died. I grew to despise everyone and everything. I despised everything about living here, but most of all, I despised my father and being alive. However, every time I saw Bill, it was like pouring life into my soul. Bill and the others are the reason I am still sane. Training with Leonel was the most difficult part of this week. Every week was difficult, but when Leonel arrived, it became even more difficult.

He never showed remorse. His eyes lit up as he beat me down, hit me, and stabbed me with knives. I couldn't bear to see his face. "Stand up, dog! Get the hell up and fight me!" He exclaimed, pointing a knife at me. I knew I was going to be beaten down, but I would be beaten more on the ground than standing up.

Out of spite, I managed to stab him in the side. He looked down, seeing blood on his white shirt. He laughed menacingly, "It appears you have made progress, Tom. But it is not enough," he said, knocking me down. He led me down to the chambers and chained me up, tying my hands and arms. He removed my shirt and began slicing into my skin. I screamed in pain and horror.

"If you scream for help, it will only make matters worse," he said, grinning. Day in and day out I remained tortured that way. I lived in the chambers, surrounded by darkness. When will I ever see the light?


I could hear echoes of screams.

I could identify the screams. Of course, I could—it was my brother. I was moved to tears when I heard his yells from torture.

"Do not worry about him; what did I say? "You need to concentrate!" Felix yelled, smacking my head. I groaned and staggered to the side. "You have to be prepared. Maintain focus on what is important. "You think you are strong enough to save your brother while you are stumbling?" He yells, kicking me in the stomach.

I clutch my stomach. More tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. As I was being beaten by Felix, I noticed that I could no longer hear Tom's screams. Had his torture finally ended? While mine was just starting?

I mustered all of my strength, hopping to my feet and pushing Felix away from me. He took a slight backward step. Felix was significantly larger than me. I felt as if I'd never be prepared for this life. I wouldn't be made for it.

Before all of this, it was difficult but manageable. I was able to tolerate the emotional pain that came with fame. However, fame is very different from this. Whatever this horrible, torturous life entails. I did not ask for this, and neither did the rest of them.

Every time I saw Tom in the hallways, my heart would drop. His face was always bruised, and scars covered his bare arms. He seemed to be avoiding me and my gaze. I needed him during this perilous period. But the torment and abuse I was subjected to were probably nothing compared to what Tom went through. He appears to be seriously ill.

He always has a pale face when I see him. He looks as if he is about to faint. His cheekbones were hollowing. His eyebags sat heavily on his face. I have laid in bed many times, wishing he was here. I needed to talk to him, hear his voice, and know that everything would be fine. He was both my brother and my soulmate. A soulmate can be almost anything. And it is my brother.

No one understood me as he did.

My sadness and anger mixed. I began to take it out on Felix. With each strike, my bones vibrated, and pain radiated through my hand. My knuckles became raw, losing their protective layer, leaving me bare and bleeding.

"Are you even trying?" Felix exclaims, laughing at me. I felt my eyes twitch as if something had changed. I ran towards him like a bull. I rammed into him, forcing him against the wall. My hand clenched into a fist, repeatedly jamming it into his stomach.

"I hate you!" I shouted, grunting with each punch. "You believe you are prepared, but you are not," Felix grunts, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me away. I fell back, stumbling to my butt. My back hit the wall, and my head slammed into the concrete door.

The slam knocked me back into reality. He knows I'm not ready, he knows I wasn't prepared for this. I wasn't made to be this. There's no way I'll ever be good enough. I should've been there for Tom before it was too late. I should've let him cry on my shoulder, and hug me when he was scared.

Instead, he was the one that helped me. He's the one who tried to keep me calm. I can't even imagine what he's going through. What all of them are going through. I hope we make it out. I'm not sure if the guys can endure this pain longer. I don't know if I can.

But I'll try. I'll try for Tom.

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