Chapter 31

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It had been fifteen minutes since Penelope left. I tried not to think negatively and thought maybe she just couldn't find the coolers, right? Normally, I would've been okay with sitting down and waiting. But I felt as if everyone had eyes on me. The way the guys at the party stared at me. I knew I shouldn't have worn this outfit.

"I have to get out of this place," I told myself. I look around the room, thinking maybe Penelope was already here and I was just blind to her presence. However, I made the decision to get up and look for her on my own when I realized she was nowhere to be found. I moved through the crowd, running into those who were dancing. I felt sick right away, my head whirling.

I felt like the room was going to swallow me whole as it started to shut in on me. "Watch it, bitch!" A girl spoke out, her hands making contact with my shoulders as she pushed me back. My heels must've gotten suck between the floorboard as I instantly lost my balance and I felt myself falling to the ground.

I closed my eyes, expecting for the impact to hit, but I opened them instantly when I felt a hand grab my arm and bring me up. "Are you alright?" They asked. I knew right away who had saved my life. Josh, the younger brother of Lucas. He was only two years younger than Lucas. I pulled at my heel and replied, "Y-yeah..." He reached down and lifted the floorboard so I could get unstuck, saying, "Oh, yeah... we've been meaning to get that fixed, sorry about that."

"It's okay, it's my fault. Really!" I reassured him. He chuckled, "it's not your fault for falling. It happens"

"I guess you're right... but, would you happen to know where Penelope is?" I asked. "Penelope..." he said, raising a brow as he scratched his head to think. "It doesn't ring a bell. Who is she?" He asked. I was a bit confused on how he couldn't remember Penelope. She had tutored him all summer upon Lucas's request.

"She's my friend, I'll just find her myself. Thank you for helping me back there" I said as I made my way to the hallway. "Wait!" He said, catching up to me. "Let me help you find her, I have an idea of where she could be" he said, grabbing my hand. "Oh, okay..." I said as I stared down at our hands intertwined with one another.

The farther he took me down the hallway, the more silent it became. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Relax, we're almost there," he replied, his grip around my hand getting tighter. "Almost wh-" I blurted out as he quickly turned and swung open a door. All I noticed as I came in was a bed, a lamp on, and a nightstand next to it. "Why are you taking me to a room when I thought you were going to help me find Penelope?" I questioned.

With a laugh he shut the door. "I saw Penelope awhile ago, she was outside with my brother. I'm sure they're busy right now, so why don't I give you some company?" He said, unbuttoning his shirt. "What?" I asked, taking a step back. "Oh come on, you really thought with that tight, sexy little outfit of yours it wouldn't turn me on? I've seen you before, with Penelope. You're the priests daughter. I've also heard quite a lot about you, about your cute, innocent little virgin self."

He then approached me, ripping my dress apart, revealing my chest. "I've always wanted to fuck a virgin" he continued, yanking on the straps of my bra. "Stop!" I exclaimed, pushing him away. "I'm getting out of here" I said, stepping away from him. I reached for the door and as soon as my hands grazed the knob, he instantly grabbed me by the waist and I could feel something hard against my lower back.

"Come on, I'll make it enjoyable for you," he muttered in my ear as he drew me back. "No..." I said uncomfortably as I tried to squirm my way out of his grip. "Shut the fuck up" he said, tugging my hair. In an instant, he dragged me over to the bed, my face striking the bed and his arms locking around my hips as he yanked my underwear down. "Enjoy it, cause you'll never get this opportunity again."

He moved my legs apart and I could feel his tip slowly slipping inside. "Please... don't do this" I said, tears running down my face. I felt weak as the realization hit me. I'm going to get raped. My innocence would be stolen, and against my own will at that. I'm not sure if it was the overwhelming feeling in my chest or the pounding of my head, but the room had gotten darker, and I couldn't see anymore. What was going on?


I ran down the hallway, calling out for Katherine. There wasn't one room I didn't go past without opening the door. I didn't care who was in there. No matter how hurt I felt, weak and exhausted. Katherine is who I needed to find. One, to get the hell out of here and two, to apologize. Apologize for thinking that coming to Jacob's house was ever a good idea, and to tell her she was right and we should've stayed home.

But I needed to find her first. "Katherine!" I shout out as I reached the end of the hallway, it was completely quiet by this point and you could only hear the vibrations of the music. "Where the hell are you kitty?" I whispered to myself as I felt panic surge through my body. Just as I was about to turn around and look for her again, I heard a familiar voice.

"Enjoy it, cause you'll never get an opportunity like this"

"Please don't do this"

In that instant, my vision went red.

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