Chapter 11

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I should probably change before... "Katherine Cross! Come outside now, or you'll have to walk to school!" Penelope shouted out from the entrance. "Sorry!" I said as I hurriedly put on my clothes and rushed out the door. I hopped in the car and we zoomed out on the road, realizing we were going to be late. I turned to look at her, her phone in her hands, typing as she drove. "Hey! No texting and driving!" I said, setting her phone down. She shrugged and added, "Sorry, kinda had to respond..."

"When you and I pass away as a result of your reckless driving, will you say that? Because I can assure you, Penny, that I would haunt you in your nightmares."

She rolls her eyes and remarks, "You're such a drama queen." I rolled my eyes, "Who were you texting anyway?" I asked


Thank God she asked me about this... deep down, I needed to talk about it. "L-Lucas..." I said nervously. "B-but I thought-" she said awkwardly.

"he wants to talk to me later..."

"And you're agreeing to that?"

"I-I guess... I want to know what he wants to say. You know my curiosity is my weakness, friend."


When we got to the school, everyone was outside in the common area, embracing and gossiping about how their summer vacation had been spent in the Hamptons—fucking rich kids. Katherine was the only wealthy kid I loved. She exuded kindness from her heart, perhaps because her father was a preacher and she had grown up with him being all holy and shit. She embodied humility perfectly. And that's the reason she was favored by so many.

"The coast is clear, I don't see Lucas anywhere," I said, turning to her.

"Hey!" Someone said from behind me. I instantly turned around, afraid it would be anyone I didn't want to see. When I looked at the guy who was behind me, I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's just you..." Marcos, the boy who had a humongous crush on Katherine. He was kinda cute, he had blonde curly hair, green eyes, and freckles... and a circular pair of glasses that made him look like Harry Potter. "H-hi guys... are you feeling better, Katherine?"

"Yeah, luckily the flu didn't bother me for too long..." she said, smiling at him. "That's amazing to hear." He said, smiling back at her. I felt like throwing up, the tension freaking me out. "I can't wait for class!" Katherine said, cheesing as the bell rang. 

"I can't wait! Today we are going to learn about intermolecular bondings and electronegativity!"

What a weirdo... I turned to Katherine, who only smiled. "Well, bye Katherine," he said, awkwardly waving to her. "Bye Marcos!" She said, beaming a bright smile at him. "He is so tiring!" I said, rolling my eyes. "Tiring? I think it's adorable how he's so fascinated by chemistry."

"Yeah, and he thinks there's some 'chemistry' between the two of you," I said, rolling my eyes. "E-excuse me!" She said, her hands up to her face in shock. "He's head over heels for you, kitty"

"Not! He's just being a good friend!" She tried to justify. A weird, nerdy, awkward chemistry freak who wants to get into her pants maybe. "Hey don't give me that look!" She said, pointing her finger at me.


As we entered the corridor, Penelope took a quick look around. Her gaze swept across every nook and cranny of the space. I recognized this habit from the previous year, too when she would search the area for... Lucas.

"you look like you're looking out for Lucas or something," I said, crossing my arms. "That's because I am, Katherine. I've only seen Lucas this summer when he wanted to... you know... and he has so much influence since he walks around with Jacob. He and especially Jacob can cause things you don't even want to imagine happening."

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