Chapter 24

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"Breaking news! Spotted in Germany, After four long years, the once-famous German boy band known as Tokio Hotel mysteriously disappeared back in a 2005 show has been spotted in a park located right here! In Berlin, Germany. The boys performed a groundbreaking performance and the crowd erupted in a mix of shock and awe as they caught a glimpse of their beloved band members. But the burning question remains: What on earth happened to them during their disappearance? Everyone's dying to know!"


I turned off the TV, tightening my tie. "Tom, where are you going?" The blonde asked as she slouched off the bed.  "Out. Make sure you see yourself out of this room" I responded, walking towards the door. I walked out and shut the door behind me.

Bill, the others and I met downstairs. "What's the plan for today?" Georg enquired. "Business," I answered while putting on my shades. "I made a list of possible alliances at the party last night." As I walked outside, I said. "So our goal is to see if they're going to start business with us?" Bill questioned. "Exactly," I answered as I unlocked the car and climbed inside.

"Who's first?" Gustav asked. "We're set to meet up with the Moretti clan. Although, I'm sure there won't be much discussion" I replied. "What do you mean?" Bill asked. "Ace's father, Luciano, was once alliances with Jörg."


With Tom referring to his father as Jörg, it was clear that he had no regard or respect for him. He is, however, at the top of his game. Leonel, Felix, and Merlin appear to have vanished off the map and Tom is still going with the plans. Despite our best efforts throughout the morning, they and their troops vanished into thin air.

When we relayed the news to Tom, he just shrugged and appeared unconcerned. "We won't require them in any case," he stated directly. I secretly wonder what his strategy is. He is composed and serene. Not that he's usually not—in fact, he's normally cool and collected—but you would think that he would recoil at the thought that the men who had essentially kept this clan alive and thriving while we spent four years under rigorous training suddenly disappeared, leaving us to figure it out all on our own.

But based on Tom's attitude, I believe it seems as though he was waiting for them to go so he could start some grand scheme, and is almost relieved that they are gone. Tom will always be successful, whatever way. Particularly in elevating this clan to the pinnacle of the hierarchy. Tom is the one who is most in desire for violence, after all. He nearly seems to be doing this for sport. He doesn't give a damn if the clan perishes, much less about himself, as we all know.

He has never had a real concern about leaving someone behind when he passes away. No matter how attached to Tom he is, Bill is more than capable of taking care of himself. He's the one people should be truly afraid of. From our perspective, Bill seems to be the most mentally stable, caring, and compassionate. And although that might be true, he is truly evil.

He can be the most vibrant, fun, and solar human being in the world, and be the same one to think about ways of killing you in the same moment, laughing as he starts to imagine ripping your body apart limb by limb. Tom is much alike, but he isn't the one to hide it.

We made many stops along the way as we traveled through the city. Bill and Tom would be on one side of an office or study, debating possible alliances with clans I eventually lost count of. While Georg and I would stand outside, keeping guard. Most, to our astonishment, concurred. It became clear that, aside from the knight, not many others had a solid partnership with quality goods. Moreover, the knight was perceived by others as typically the one who took and never contributed.

If there was one quality about Tom, it would be his integrity. He was damn good at making deals that were nearly hard to pass up. By the end of the day, he had already assembled several coalitions from other nations, guaranteeing easier access to money and an even smoother process of climbing up the ranks. "When will we be going back to Chicago?" I asked.

Tom answered, "We're flying out tomorrow evening."
"That's quicker than I imagined..." Georg spoke while putting his finger to his lips. "We're being followed by paparazzi everywhere we go. It's best if we leave the country." As he arrived at the hotel parking lot, Tom made a suggestion. "And, We have an interview in a couple of days!" With excitement, Bill cried out. "Already? How did that come about?"

"It seems that one Front desk girl leaked to the media that we had come from the States, based on documentation she had on us" he responded. "But Tom never gave an ID?"

"She presumed that since Felix and the others arrived, we also traveled with them," Tom icily retorted. "I'm assuming we'll be doing the interview?" I inquired. "Yes, it's a chance to receive additional attention," Bill grinned and turned to face me. "What if they ask about..."

Tom said, "I'll take care of it." "In the meantime, let's enjoy our last evening in Germany!" Leaning back, Bill said. My question was, "What are we going to do?" "It's off to the club," grinned Bill. I looked over to Tom, who appeared to be completely carefree. "Tom?" I inquired. He sighed, turning the car back on. "If that's what he wants"

"Come on, live a little everyone! We're men, we should be able to enjoy our life to the fullest"

"And that means clubbing?" Georg asked. "See, he gets it?" Bill said turning to me. "Where is this club even at?" I asked. "I know a place," Tom said, speeding down the city.

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