Chapter 20

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I glanced down at Felix, who lay unconscious on the ground with blood streaming from his nose. Gustav muttered, "We have to go after him, we don't know what he could be doing right now."

"Release them," I said sighing. "Are you sure?" Georg asked. "They'll receive their judgment, soon," I said, gathering up the broken pieces of porcelain from the ground. Leonel asked, glancing at me, "Why?" Perplexed, I turned to face him.

"What prevented you from killing us?" Merlin added. "You have every right to hate us; why didn't you do it?" I put the porcelain down on the table. "Because there will come a time when we will cross paths again, and when we do, it won't be on the right terms." I walked over and opened the door "Let's go find Tom." I said.

Georg and Gustav trailed behind me. "I'm sure he's still here, let's split up," I turned to face the guys. We will gather at the rear entrance in thirty minutes. "Thirty minutes? Do you believe you can locate him within that time frame?" Gustav asked.

"Of course I can, he's my brother," I said, walking out. If there was one thing about Tom that I knew about, it was that he enjoyed views. Growing up, anytime we had to travel, he made sure to get the room with the best view. After a bad show, or a bad practice. He'd often cool off on the balcony of the hotel, looking out to the city below him. "Now to find the balcony to this place," I said, looking around.


The midnight clouds deepen within, raindrops brew unto me as I whip out a tasteless, tarry, smoky cigar. Feeling the pain of night rain, I pierce my cold lips to the plastic casing of my fresh cigar. Thinking of my life as it passes me by, a bitter, strong taste of smoke hits my tongue, but I blow out the tar-filled air through my warm mouth.

I've lived my life like a misfit. unwanted, unloved, and always forgotten. As I look through the dark park across the street, the opening tunes of musical melodies, from a radio bring me a nostalgic time-lapse of pain and pleasure. Memories of the best time in my life and memories of how that was robbed from me. From us.

I had waited for so many years to get my revenge and just when I was seconds away from doing it, Bill stopped me. I felt a mix of anger and frustration. Why did he do it, why could he look at them in the eye and still manage to have compassion for them. Then again, when I think about it. Bill had always been like that. Even the ones who criticized him the most he still treated with kindness. Why couldn't I?


Upon arriving at the top floor of the structure, I turned to face the entrance on my right. "Bingo," I said as I approached the door. I was about to open it when I heard a familiar melody. A melody so profound that it seemed to resonate within me. It was as if time stood still, and at that moment, I felt a wave of emotions wash over me. A tear slipped down my cheek as I recognized the familiar tune. It was the very melody my mother used to hum to Tom and I when we were children.

In an instant, I was transported back to my kid years, to a time when everything felt safe and warm. I could see my mother's loving smile as she cradled me in her arms, her voice gentle and soothing as she hummed that melody. It was a lullaby that brought me comfort and peace, a melody that became the soundtrack of my early years.

As the tune played, I closed my eyes and let the memories flood in. I could almost feel my mother's presence, her soft touch, and the warmth of her embrace. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with both joy and longing. But in that brief encounter with the melody, I felt a deep connection to my past and a renewed sense of gratitude for the love and care my mother had given me.

I opened the door, humming alongside Tom with the familiar tune. As I stood beside him, staring at the view of the city. Tom turned to me and I could see him from my peripheral vision. A smile appeared on my lips, our humming turning into harmony as he lowered the key of the tune. When the lullaby finished, I turned to Tom. "Sometimes, it's the simplest things that hold the most power. A melody, a familiar tune, can transport us to a different time and place, reminding us of the love and warmth that surrounds us."

Tom didn't say anything. He inside his suit jacket, pulling out a cloth and giving it to me. I rolled my eyes and took it, wiping my tears away. "Why haven't we gone to find her" Tom questioned. "She has most likely spent a long time coming to terms with our death. We are no longer visible on this planet. Are we ready to jeopardize our survival and expose previously closed wounds?" Turning to face him, I said.

Again, the only thing I got from him was pure silence. Until I said, "Would that be so bad?" "Using my own words against me, how charming," he said, shaking his head, the smallest smirk forming on his lips. I smiled, "Come, Georg and Gustav are waiting for us," I said, walking towards the door. Tom followed behind me, walking down the staircase.


When we reached the back entrance, Georg and Gustav leaned against a blacked-out convertible car, seemingly waiting for us. "Welcome back, Tom" Georg said, smirking. "Who's car?" I asked, walking up to it. "Ours," Gustav said, dangling the set of keys in front of us. "What are you talking about?" Tom asked. "Well, it technically belongs to you, Tom," Georg said, handing the keys to him.

"How?" I asked, confused. "All of your father's assets and money have been inherited to you and Tom since the moment Felix presented you as the next heirs to this empire" he replied. "He gave me your father's will, it's all on this sheet of paper" he said, handing it to me. Grabbing the keys, Tom stared at them for a moment before handing them right back. "Keep it," he said to Georg. "W-what" Georg questioned, taking a step back. "I don't mind giving cars away to my best friends," he said, plainly.

"Gustav," he said, turning to him. "The same goes for you."

"Thanks, Tom," he said, grinning. "So what's the plan now, we're free," Georg said, tossing his keys up and down. "We're going to pay a visit to someone," Tom said, looking over at me. "Who?" Gustav asked. "My mother" I replied.

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