Chapter 13

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Life is a continuous chain of very many pains.
Full of wrath, odds, trials, and tribulations; disdains. I live in a world of abhorrence and pain. All the torment and agony has driven me to a point of insanity. I cannot stand this wretched existence, I have begged God to let me die, so I can feel my soul at ease.

My love died with the hatred and agony growing inside of me. Sometimes shadows from my past keep haunting me. Why do they just not leave me and let me be? But how could I ever be free? Since I was sixteen, I have been imprisoned in a cage, for years. I am now twenty and I have only had tastefuls of the life I once lived when I drive by the city.

Sure, our strict enclosure was no longer as intense. That's only because the time had come. The time when Tom, the guys, and I were ready to participate in the 'business' and fulfill our duties. We were finally released from our shackles and have been brought into this world for only one thing. To kill, wreak havoc, and cause chaos.

All the training, all the lessons, all the mind torture, and relentless combat training. All of it was to prepare us for the events that were to come. We took it upon ourselves to carry out jobs, and our reputation grew the more we did so.

Rivers of red blood slowly flowed before us.

Death, dread, and chaos are all that we can see as doom-bringers. Tom and I stalk this scorched earth... a specter. Cursed from the day of our birth, we roam the bloody earth and slowly crawl in the pitch-black sky. Chicago likes to call us death, consequently, The Reaper Twins were born. The offspring of death, born into this world to manage life and death, we determine whether you live or not.

Four years of living here, living in this life...I learned one important thing. Death is a choice. You decide when your time has come. Hanging around the wrong people, doing the wrong things...being there at the wrong time. We were just the ones that were present during your judgment.

"Bill, let's go inside. It's raining" Georg said, walking up to me. Gustav walked up beside him. "They're waiting," he said, his eyes piercing into mine. As we entered the dungeon, I found my brother, who was faced with several women. In each of their hands is a black box. Perplexed as to why they were there, I just stared at them. "Who are you?" I eventually asked in a firm tone. Asking rarely existed in my vocabulary.

"After running six miles, it seems Tom has yet again made it the first back," Merlin remarked, clapping as he walked in. I turned to him, looking at him confused. "To answer your question, Bill..." Felix said, walking in behind Merlin. "The women are here to give you all a... change. You are no longer boys, but men; And you men, need a new change in..."

"Looks," Leonel said, finally walking in behind Felix. "We're leaving for Germany tomorrow, and we can't present you on your current...situation." He said, glancing down at us. "Germany," I uttered icily. The idea of my birthplace, Germany, crossed my mind. the location that we formerly called home. Felix grinned at me and took a seat, "Everything will be explained shortly, just focus on what's in front of you, Bill."

Focus on what's in front of you

The words stuck to me like glue. It was a phrase often directed to me. It was always me who would become distracted and start thinking about something other than the task at hand. I was the one who always had to bear the consequences because of that. Tom, on the other hand, had been perfect. I was jealous even though he was the perfect man for the position. I couldn't be that jealous. Why did I feel jealous at all? This is not what I wanted.

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