Chapter 28

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"Please, don't hurt me! I have a family" the man shouted as Tom had a hold of his collar. "We wouldn't have been in this situation if you had done your job" he said, pushing him against the wall of his office. "You really thought you could steal my money and I wouldn't notice?"

"It was a mistake! I just needed some money to pay for my son's birthday party next week! I was going to deposit the money back, I swear!" He pleaded out. "Well, you should've thought about that when you decided to buy yourself large sums of drugs first. I mean really, I give you all the money you need to keep this bank running and you steal from me?" He said, his voice raising.

"Please!" The man shouts out. "Hey what's going on!" The two guards declared from outside, banging on the doors to the study. I got up, walking towards the door to take care of the noise until suddenly, a phone rings. Tom sighed, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. "What" he said, annoyance present in his tone. He went quiet for a moment before finally saying "We'll see you soon"

He then pushed the man aside, walking over to his fire place, he grabbed one of the metal bars and stuck it in the fire. "W-what are you doing?" The man asked. Tom remained silent for a couple seconds before pulling out the metal bar that glowed a bright orange. He walked over to the man, "I have some things to take care of, so I'll get to my point now" he said, the metal reaching for the man's forehead.

Screams of agony echoed throughout the walls as Tom stuck the bar through the man's forehead, blood seeping to the ground. "Please... my family" he let out. "Trust me, this is me having compassion" he said, sticking the bar deeper into his skull, eventually letting go once the man relaxed, his body turning over towards the floor. "Great, I was getting bored" I said, looking at the time.

"We have to go home" Tom said, walking towards the door. "I'll let you take care of the guards" he said, opening the door to the guards who stood there. Before they realized that Theo was very much dead, Tom slipped away, leaving me in the study. I smiled, unbuttoning my shirt. "Well, let's get to the point shall we? I have somewhere to get to"



It wasn't long before Bill came out of the house, not a scratch on his body, not a single piece of him disheveled or out of order. A smirk was on his face as he opened the car door, climbing inside. "Make sure his family aren't the first to arrive home. It won't be a pleasant sight" he said, sighing. "I've already made the call" I said, revving the engine as I pulled out of the driveway.

"So who called" Bill asked after a couple moments of silence. "Gustav, The police are making their way to the house" I said. "Well, it was bound to happen at some point" he replied. "I'm assuming they're clearing out the house now?"

"They're going to a storage unit near the kings"

"The kings? As in the university nearby? Wouldn't that be a little suspicious?"

"We fund the school, whatever we do shouldn't be their business" I said, pulling into the driveway of the house. We both came out to see two cop cars outside and an investigator, standing at our door. "To who do I owe the pleasure?" I said as I walked up to greet the woman who stood outside my door. "Agent Evelyn Kline" she said sternly.

I held out my hand, shaking hers as I opened the front door. "Anything to drink?" I said as I set down my keys and walked towards the kitchen."No" she said, looking around the house. "Well then," I said, walking over to the living room, a glass of water in my hands as I sat down. "Tell me why you're here."

"We'd like to open an investigation. We have reason to believe your father participated in illegal affairs." She stated, pulling out pictures of our father walking around Chicago. I grabbed the images, staring down at a man I was so unfamiliar with. Looking at the pictures, he seemed a complete stranger to me. I had never seen my father and this was the only image I had of him. One taken by the police, ironically.

"We also have a search warrant for this place" she said, showing us the warrant, the house address on it along with my name. "Sure" I said, rolling my eyes as I got up. "I assume you won't be needing my Brother and I" setting my glass down, I said as I walked towards my office. "Actually; I'd like to question you two" she stated. I turned back around, staring at her to continue.

"Up until this year, we had no record of your residence in the US. Not a single airline, private flight or ground passage that could indicate your coming to the US has not been found. We'd like to know why."

"I'm afraid it isn't possible, being that we were kidnapped. We don't have much recollection of what happened four years ago" Bill stated. "Why don't you try to find our kidnappers instead. While you're at it, give us a call when you do" he said, winking at her.


I knew the cops would try to find anything out of order when I heard they were paying us a visit. The chambers, or the dungeon as we call it sometimes was where we did most of our dirty work. When Felix, Merlin and Leonel disappeared I had the chambers renovated. The place held way too much pain and memories that neither of us could step foot without the aroma of our blood, sweat and tears lingering in the air.

Gustav and I considered remodeling it into a nicer area. One that felt welcoming, relaxed. There, we installed a bar, lounge facilities, a gym, pool tables and private rooms for our intelligence personnel to work from. Everyone had a part to play in this clan. Everyone's role was specific to their skills and abilities. In a way, we ran our own operation like the FBI or CIA, except we were the bad guys. We advocated crime.

We tried, also in a literal sense, to keep the two worlds we lived in separate. The chambers were like a separate home, unique to the other life we lead, even though we never maintained possessions within the house itself besides the ones we didn't mind sharing.

The police are smart, they'd undoubtedly find it, which is why we sent our men to leave the vicinity as we loaded a truck full of weapons, computers and files that could get is involved with the police. We didn't have to worry about drugs, as the twins were smart in owning a separate wear house for that.

"That should be all of it. We just need to lock up" I sighed. "Bill asked for us to pick up some headache pills. Probably the stress" Gustav walked over to the car and said. "You lock up while I drive to the pharmacy up the road."

"Okay," I murmured, bending over and grabbing the latch. I heard Gustav drive off as I took the lock from my pocket out, hooking it on. As I pushed the lock down, it appeared to jam, springing back up. "Great" I said, unhooking the lock. Abruptly, a loud crash reverberates from a few feet away. In an instant I dropped the lock, turning around. "Gustav," I said underneath my breath as I hastily stood up and moved to the road's end. When I got a clearer view of where the noise came from, I saw two vehicles collided, smoke beginning to rise.


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