Chapter 19

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"What? How do you know? She? It's a girl?" Bill asked asked. I opened the rear door and said, "I spoke with her." All of us entered and made our way up the stairs. "Why is she even here?" Gustav asked. "You spoke with the knight? And it's a girl? Does she know who you are?" Georg asked worriedly.

"I'm not sure why she's here. It seems she's here for a form of entertainment since she thinks the Kaulitz bloodline is nonexistent. And no, she doesn't know who I am. Only my name, but she'll find out soon." I said as I opened the door, walking into a narrow hallway. "Where are we" Gustav asked. "Backstage" I replied. "The ceremony is starting" Bill whispered.


I ascended the staircase to reach the middle of the platform. I lifted my glass and tapped my spoon against it, grinning. I turned to see Tom and the others standing at the end of the stage. Grinning, I turned back to face the general population. "May I please have your attention," I uttered into the microphone. "Let me start by saying thank you to everyone who came to this event. Jörg would have appreciated that I'm sure.

You are all aware that the purpose of your invitation to this event is to purchase the remaining items owned by this clan, but this will not be the case, strangely enough." I spoke as I met the gaze of a woman in a red dress, her eyes filled with fire. "We have been in mourning for our capo for the last four years. However, we have been getting ready for the next one as well. To all of you who may be surprised, let me propose a drink to the sons of Jörg Kaulitz, the princes of Chicago, Tom and Bill Kaulitz, the Reaper twins."


My eyes shifted towards the two men who walked in. A malicious presence around them both as they looked down at everyone. And that's when I noticed, Tom. It all made sense now. I knew I hadn't seen him before, and yet I allowed myself to be fooled. "What," I said in disbelief. Tom's eyes suddenly met with mine, piercing and icy at the same moment. In his eyes, my body seemed to be decomposing and freezing. I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking deep down in those eyes.

A smirk formed on his lips the minute we met eye to eye. He raised his glass to me. He was enticing the opposition. I scoffed. That old bastard Jörg had a trick up his sleeve this whole time. And to think, I had gotten rid of his lineage for good.

These Reaper Twins are known for their unimaginably evil conspiracies. They abandoned their victims in circumstances that rendered them unidentifiable. However, one of them in particular had experienced a significant metamorphosis, veering a dark path. It was he who lacked patience and acted irrationally.

When it came to his victims, he was merciless and vicious. The other took great pleasure in mutilating his victims' tongues, fingers, and limbs. and even while I can't be certain, I sense that both of them are involved in something profoundly evil. "Well played, Jörg. I'll have my fun with your kids" I said, smirking.


We peered down at the crowd, watching as their expressions grew frightened and perplexed. While some nodded in agreement, others laughed and applauded. "I was put to lead the clan until now, following Jörg's passing. But this is a ceremony! A celebration to mark the arrival of our newest capo, Tom, who was born ten minutes ahead of his twin and deputy, Bill. Gustav and Georg, two of their best and brightest men, are accompanied by the twins." Felix pointed his hand at them and spoke.

Gustav and Georg walked in, each of them finding their place beside Tom and me. "A round of applause, for the futures of the Kaulitz clan!" He said, clapping and the crowd joining in.


Felix led the way back upstairs after the ceremony. Tom's attitude was strange from the moment we arrived. When it came to talking to Felix, Merlin, or Leonel, Tom would never say anything. Felix and the others believed that Tom was being respectful in this way. In actuality, Tom detested them to such an extent that he was unable to even agree to talk to them.

Felix sat down and remarked, "Now that we're here, we will be discussing measures moving forward. Please have a seat," he said. Tom responded, "No," and shut the door behind him. "What?" With a fixed gaze, Merlin spoke up. He cocked his gun and shouted, "You motherfuckers are dying tonight."

Shocked, Georg and Gustav snapped their necks in his direction. Since this was the first time Tom had ever challenged their authority in four years.
"You wouldn't dare," Leonel declared as he got to his feet. "Oh but I would," Tom said. "You have no idea how long I've been looking forward to this." With a laugh, Tom said. He pointed his gun at Felix, Leonel, and Merlin and stated, "I've waited and waited for the moment to kill all of you."


In my wretched existence, pain is the only thing I feel and what I know. Pain is my everlasting companion that would never release me and let me go. I have begged for someone to come and release me from my anguish once and for all. I've pled for the release of my tormented soul. "Give me freedom, freedom from this suffering and pain!" I would cry out in the darkness.

"Tom, sit down! Quit acting like a damn fool!" Felix commanded. "How could you do all of those things to me? Didn't you see what the outcome would be?" I said, taking off my suit jacket. "When you look at me now, can you see all those days? All those stolen days you can never replace?"

"Tom" Bill said, standing up. "Shut the fuck up!" I shouted out. "What did I do? I was just a child" I said, punching Felix. It's no wonder why I'm so violent and wild. Merlin and Leonel got up, approaching me. "Not so fast," Georg said, grabbing Merlin, a knife up to his neck, and Gustav holding a pistol to the back of Leonel's head.

"The only question I have is why, just why? Every blow you ever laid upon me, you knew I was a child, not immune to this lifestyle. Didn't you consider the fear that I felt?" I said, picking him up and staring into his eyes.

"What about the embarrassment I felt? The embarrassment of having my brother witness all the pain that I still carry!" I shouted out. Tears welled in my eyes from anger and frustration. "W-what did I do, was I so...bad? I try and understand but I simply can't. I never did anything for you to hit my face..." I said, punching him once more. "I-it was what needed to be done!" He shouted out.

"Alone and afraid with nowhere to run or go from this confinement...Anger and Hate were all I knew how to show. I've corrupted cops, trafficked drugs and hurt people all because of you!" I shouted out. I turned to Leonel and Merlin, "I turned to crime and violence and pain. I was so out of control, everyone knew my name. "The one who walks with darkness, explosive with no patience...Are you proud of the monster you've created?" I said, pulling out my gun.

I promised that in the torture chambers, when I was a lifeless body hanging on by chains I would burn my foes who turned my life into hell, filling it with sorrows and pain. My rebellious fire will burn them all and my unstoppable rage will lead my enemies to their downfall. Nobody has anything over me. An exile I roam in this world of sadness and gloom. My soul is lost and my chilled body never will be found. The only thing I can do now is make the most of what I have left and get rid of the remaining fragments of my pain.

I raise my pistol to Felix's brow. I muttered, "Save a spot for me in Hell," as I gradually pulled the trigger. Suddenly, a hand comes out to stop me. Bill looked up at me and whispered, "No, Tom," his eyes welling with tears. Perplexed, I said to Bill, "What are you doing?" "Killing them won't make you better. It cannot make up for all of your suffering.

"Quit being stupid. You share my desire for this!" With a growing sense of annoyance and rage, I said. "Tom, I have to stop you from killing them. They are not worthy of death. It's too good for them." With tears streaming down his cheek, he remarked, "They deserve to suffer the anguish we've endured over the years." What was he thinking? How was he able to... Just look at them.

I yelled, "Fuck this," and grabbed a vase to hurl it across the room. I turned around as I approached the door. My gaze went straight to theirs. "Enjoy yourselves, because when the time comes, I will find you and I will make your life miserable," I shouted and slammed the door behind me.

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