Chapter 14

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The process had begun. I got to work with my team of girls as they relentlessly worked on the boys. From head to toe, they made sure to attend to every little detail. I watched as my men, all talented piercer and tattoo artists began to re-pierce any piercings Bill once had, as well as tattooing away to his desire.

And Tom. At first glance, some might think he's a lost cause, but little do they know, he's hidden potential just waiting to be uncovered. He's like a rock, waiting to be cut and shaped into a precious gem. my women took charge, skillfully cutting and cleaning away all overgrown facial hair, adding more youth to him. Then, they turn their attention to his hair, carefully snipping away the unruly locks and giving it a fresh, wash and cut, as well as dying the hair for the preparation of his braids.

I presented Tom with a series of hairstyles and as he looked through the picture book, he stopped at the picture of the cornrows and handed me the book. When I grabbed the book, I smiled. The style shared similarities with his current look. It showed me that even though everything they've gone through, they still manage to keep their identity. What did I have to worry about?

"Very well then," I said, walking away. I had decided long before I got here that they would all be gifted an all-black wardrobe. Black was a staple in a man's wardrobe. Especially a man in this profession. Black was a man's best friend, covering all of the bloodshed he'd be creating.

With each snip of the scissors, the transformation starts to unfold. Tom's features become more defined, and his true beauty begins to emerge. It's not just about the external changes, but also the newfound confidence that starts to radiate from within him. I watched as his eyes ever so slightly glimmered as he began to recognize himself just a little more. The question was, why were they so afraid to express themselves?

Throughout the process, Everyone's demeanor undergoes a remarkable shift. They start to stand a little taller, everything becomes more radiant, and Bill's eyes sparkle with self-assurance. It's as if the process of grooming and styling has awakened something deep within them all.

I walked over to Georg and Gustav who while remaining straight-faced and serious, they too felt a breeze of self-confidence, a smirk on Georg's lips. It took many hours to clean the four of them up. This was by far the worst project I had ever taken on. But boy, was it all worth it at the end.

By the time the process was complete, the four were a sight to behold. Their once-overgrown hair now frames their faces perfectly, accentuating their strong jawlines. The stylish haircuts enhance their features, bringing out their best qualities. But it's not just about their physical appearance; it's the newfound sense of self and confidence that truly makes them all handsome.

Especially Tom. The minute I walked into his room with accessories to present him, I nearly dropped them as I saw him, lying up against his chair, his eyes slowly closing and opening from sleepiness. I took the moment to appreciate the gorgeous man before me. My eyes dared to trail down his body. Stopping at his toned abs and arm muscles, my breathing quickened. He was tall, and the way he sat, in a man-spreading position, the light above shined on his body perfectly showing off just how muscular he was.

He had muscles in places I didn't even know could, his veins on his arms and fingers caused my breathing to stop, a tingly sensation running through my body. The small encounter quickly went away when he realized I was staring and he opened his eyes, adjusting his posture.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said, clearing my throat. I laid the accessories against a long table. A bandana, a beanie, scarves, and sunglasses. "Hats were fun, how about you experiment with these?" I said, looking up at him. He didn't say anything, but walked over, his fingers running across the assortment of accessories. "I've left an array of shoes, clothing, and jackets in your closet. It's not as colorful as the clothes you used to wear but given your life and career, Black will be your best option.

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