Chapter 23

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We quickly pack up the rental car with all of our instruments, being sure to arrange them gently to prevent damage. Guitars leaning against the backseat, drums snugly fit in the trunk, and our cords safely secured in the back. We feel the excitement growing as we get into the car when everything is ready.

Tom had taken the car and left to look around the city for a place. We were mindful of the dangers and repercussions of opening ourselves up to the outside world. We understand that this will spark controversy and disarray in the music business. More particularly, the alternate reality we inhabit. However, we're all ready for it. We just have to focus on what's in front of us.

We left when Tom told us about a location. We had not planned on performing again; it was just a concept that came to us suddenly. Tom concluded that the best way for us to re-enter the world in which we once existed was to do it in a way that attracted notice and aroused curiosity.

We cruise across the city with the windows down and the music blaring, taking in the sights and noises, the rush and bustle heightening the thrill. The location that Tom had led us to now appears, and we can see the exposed outdoor stage that is illuminated by vibrant lights. After parking the car and gathering our belongings, we head to the stage.

"I'm impressed Tom, how did you manage to find an open stage like this?" Gustav questioned, staring at the stage with amazement. "Asking around made it easy to do. seems like this location is utilized for festivals and is accessible to the general public," he shrugged and reached for his guitar.

Gathered around the back, we connected all of the cords to their speakers. Georg was the first to pluck a few chords, letting out a little laugh. Gazing down at his bass, he remarked, "This bass is so small... almost makes me forget just how young we were when we started."

"Yeah, I'm experiencing the same issue," Tom remarked as he loosened the strap of his guitar to the proper length to enable him to reach the fretboard. "Are you ready?" Gustav asked. I nodded, "Yes!" And Gustav smiled, "Great," he said, adjusting the lights. Let us begin...


I followed them. My men thought they were gone, but moments later they were seen lugging off instruments in a different car. What were they up to? They weren't possibly going to let the entire human population figure out they've been alive... right?

Chords were being played, and the stage lights were on. Even though I'm not a musician, those guitars made the most horrible noises. I sneered and spun around, only to hear the lights abruptly go out. Looking forward, I sprint to a tree right away. The stage started to emit a cloud of smoke, and the surrounding area was hazy. I turned to see if they had located me. It wasn't possible...something else was going on.

Suddenly, a bright white light shines on Tom with a guitar in his hands. He raises his guitar, his fingers hovering just above the strings, ready to unleash some sort of magic. With a swift motion, he strums the strings, and his left hand comes alive. His fingers press down on what looks like the neck of the guitar, forming intricate chords that resonate through the whole city.

His movements are fluid and precise. His fingers fly across the strings, effortlessly transitioning between chords, unleashing a powerful force within the area. His fingers dance across the neck, bending and sliding, producing a cascade of soulful notes. The passion in his playing is evident in the way his hand moves with both power and grace. I had never seen this side of Tom, he didn't look vulnerable, no. He looked graceful and elegant.

He looked the complete opposite of what he gave off... what he was supposed to give off. Most importantly... Bill. The minute he opened his mouth, it was like the atmosphere was in slow motion. When he picked up the microphone, his eyes glimmered against the moon and stars. "Just a normal day, streets turn into graves... traces have been removed, the search was disapproved. So cold the night, the weak ones lose the fight..." He had a voice that made rafters ring. He sang without accompaniment and his voice had the power to hypnotize, making your bones shiver by his dulcet tone.

It's smooth velvet, rich and warm, with a touch of honeyed sweetness. It's a voice that effortlessly glides through the air, hitting every note with impeccable control and precision. Whether he's belting out powerful high notes or gently caressing the low ones, his voice carries an undeniable emotional depth that resonates with your soul. I feel shivers down my spine from hearing its raw intensity. Every word he sings feels like a heartfelt expression, drawing me into the story he's telling. It's a voice that captures your attention.

I suddenly noticed a crowd gathering. I saw that Bill's voice caught the attention of strangers and curiosity was peaked as people started to follow the melody, their ears guiding them towards its source. "T- they're doing it..." Shocked, I said. "I must leave this place," I said under my breath as I hurried away.


I saw as people drew nearer, curious about who we might have been and why we were performing so late—or perhaps even early in the morning. I turn to face Tom, my face filled with worry. His eyes met mine at once. He gave me a simple nod to let me know that all was right. Perhaps it was my nerves, or the fact that I hadn't been in the spotlight for so long, but repetitive ideas started to run through my mind. Do I sound okay? Do I sound off-key? As soon as I turned to face Tom, the question appeared to vanish.

However, that didn't stop the flashbacks to the 2005 incident that began to bother me. Before long, I was on the verge of halting my singing. Well, until Tom's voice started to slowly take over. With his eyes closed and his voice leading the song, I turned around to face him. The whispers were then audible to me. the audience's murmurs. "Is that Bill and Tom? From Tokio Hotel!" A group of individuals asked one another. Before I knew it, the excitement grew like wildfire, drawing more and more individuals to join the gathering.

It invites the audience to join in by sensing the growing energy. Above all, it gave me the confidence to rediscover my voice and take the lead in the song. Voices come together, harmonizing with me to create a magnificent chorus that permeates the space. The mood turns electric as the crowd starts to sway and dance, totally engrossed in the music.

When the song reaches its peak, the audience bursts into cheers and clapping, chanting our names. My eyes well up with tears as I glance down at the crowd. "It's been a long time, everyone!" I whispered out.

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