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It was now dark but Chaeyoung didn't seem like she was stopping soon. Mina was slightly scared since now it's dark and they weren't sure if they were actually alone. "Chaeyoung, we should stop and wait till morning." She tried her best to not sound scared. Chaeyoung kept walking, ignoring her, making Mina roll her eyes for the millionth time. "Hello!?"

"I heard you woman!" Chaeyoung snapped back while turning to look at her. Chaeyoung turned back to look forward but agreed to stop. "Fine, let's craft some weapons while we wait." She found a small open area that surrounded by bushes. "Let's rest here. I'll find some wood for the fire and weapons." She took off her jacket and tossed it on the ground while walking away.

Mina was about to tell her to be careful but didn't want to seem like she cared. She let the girl do her thing while she sat down on the grass. Resting her legs for a bit while looking around. 'Nature is beautiful.' She sighed. She heard a snap which made her stand up but heard that annoying laugh.

"Relax, it's just me." Chaeyoung came back with some sticks and some rocks. Mina rose a brow and wondered how was she going to make weapons from that. "In case you didn't know, I have some kind of experience in hunting." She dropped the stuff on the ground and kneeled, piling the sticks together and grabbed the rocks. "Hopefully I still remember the basics, I'll be a great help for us as usual." Of course she never forgets to boast herself.

"Yeah I'm dead." Mina sighed and sat down, hugging her knees while watching Chaeyoung start the fire. It took a while but she was surprised that Chaeyoung managed to light a little flame. She tossed more wood onto it making the flame grow. Mina watched her as she fully sat down, crossing her legs, using the left over sticks that were bigger than the ones she used for the fire.

"I'm gonna make some daggers and spears. You can sleep if you want." She said in a monotone voice. Mina mentally laughed because she unknowingly just admitted that she cares a bit for her. She was tired so she took the chance on getting some sleep. She laid down and crossed her hands on her stomach. She stared at the sky, looking at the stars with crickets chirping around them. She felt her eyes get heavy and in a second she dozed off.

Chaeyoung glanced and found Mina sound asleep. 'Should I? Doesn't mean anything right?' She fought with herself and gave up. She set aside the almost-done-dagger and got up, grabbing her jacket. She walked to her, kneeling down and gently placed the jacket onto her. 'There, that should at least keep her warm.' Chaeyoung stared at her face and sighed. She got back to finishing the dagger.

It has been an hour or so and Chaeyoung managed to make two daggers and a spear. They were a bit iffy but were sharp enough. She set them aside and finally laid down. The fireplace was the only thing that separated them. She glanced at Mina once again and drifted off to sleep.


"Chaeyoung wake up." Mina shook her without care. Chaeyoung groaned and swatted her away. "I'm gonna tickle you." With that Chaeyoung quickly got up and glared at her.

"You're funny." She deadpanned and Mina backed away letting her stand. Chaeyoung dusted herself off and kicked the fire, letting it die. Mina was busy looking at the dagger that Chaeyoung made. "It's not the best but it's sharp." Mina looked at her and met her eyes. Chaeyoung's face dropped. "And no don't kill me with it." Mina fought the smile but followed Chaeyoung as she started to walk.

Mina was holding Chaeyoung's jacket. She was honestly touched that she was caring enough to making sure she slept warm. She wanted to thank her but felt like it was too weird. She smirked and looked at Chaeyoung's back. "Your jacket was pretty warm." She heard her groan and Mina let out a quiet chuckle.

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