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Chaeyoung fully turned to Mina. She hesitantly held her hands and it caught Mina by surprise. She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean my words to hurt you. I should've think before saying that." She shamefully looked down at their hands. "I'm not ashamed of you or anything I just," She scratched her nape as she realized how embarrassing her reason was. "I just don't want to go through questionnaires from others..." Her voice slowly faded in embarrassment.

Mina blinked at her in silence and lightly giggled. "You're so dumb." Earning a pout from the younger girl as she pushed her arm. Mina did the same thing back and vice versa. Both girls laughed and sat there catching their breath. After some silence, Chaeyoung tried to ask her question Mina couldn't answer days ago.

"Will you tell me your wish? I told you mine it's not fair." Chaeyoung pouted and Mina hesitated. She did want to stay with her. Maybe her theory wasn't even right. 'Nothing will happen right?' With a deep breath, she surrendered.

"I wished to never be paired up with you." Mina said in a serious tone and Chaeyoung had her jaw opened.

"That's mean!" Chaeyoung acted hurt and Mina playfully rolled her eyes.

"Yours was harsher! You're the mean one here!" Mina huffed and crossed her arms playfully.

"I said I was sorry!" Mina let out a 'humph' and Chaeyoung was liking this Mina. "I really am sorry." She softly said as she caressed Mina's hair. Mina closed her eyes at the contact. Her heart was beating crazy fast that it started to feel normal. 'Maybe I should tell her how I feel.' It was a great opportunity. Plus, they kissed so that means the feelings were mutual right?

"You," Mina started as she hugged her knees in comfort. "Make me feel safe. When I ran into you on the first day, I felt relieved." Chaeyoung smirked at that and Mina rolled her eyes but continued. "I slowly started to feel this feeling that I was scared of. I kept denying it but everyday it grew and grew. I just couldn't contain it anymore. I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same. Jihyo gave me some advice and it really helped." She smiled at the ground remembering how she was like glass to Jihyo. She could see through her that easily. "That kiss...did you mean it?" Mina carefully asked as she looked at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung stared at her. She wasn't hesitating or finding an excuse. She was in awe and loss for words at Mina's confession. The moonlight shined upon her, her skin glowing like a swan's feathers. Her dark brown eyes staring into hers. "You have fallen for me. I didn't expect that." Chaeyoung finally spoke. "I did mean it. I kissed you because I meant it and I feel the same way. I like you Mina. In fact, I liked you way before." Mina's ears perked at that. "When I first laid my eyes on you, I couldn't stop looking at you. I didn't realize I was feeling that until I thought about it."

Mina was speechless hearing that. Mina then started to think about their first encounter. Mina also found Chaeyoung cute at first before even seeing how she was. Both of them didn't realize they had interest in each other. All day, every day, they sent glares at each other. They would always talk about each other to their friends. Always having each other in their mind for no reason. They both thought it was hatred but it was the opposite of that. They were just too blind to fully recognize it.

Both of them laughed at each other's stupidness. "We really suck." Mina said between laughter. Chaeyoung caught her breath so did Mina. Again, like deja vu, their eyes glued to each other. Chaeyoung boldly got closer and kissed her. Mina kissed back. Their lips moved perfectly, each kiss expressed their love for each other.

Mina grabbed her shirt, pulling her closer making Chaeyoung grab her waist from the sudden action. The kiss started to get heated, their lips were dancing faster. They were breathing heavily but she couldn't stop. Chaeyoung caressed her waist and Mina's stomach fluttered. Although Mina was enjoying it, a little too much, she remembered that they were outside and it was rather dangerous.

Mina pulled away, catching her breath. Chaeyoung lowly whined as she kept leaning in, yearning for more which made Mina smile. "No," She pecked her lips. "We have to go back. It's late and they're probably waiting for us." Chaeyoung groaned since she was right.

Chaeyoung recalled that Nayeon told her to not stay out late. 'What a mom.' She mentally scoffed as she hopped off the rock. She turned to Mina and offered her hand. Mina gladly held it and hopped off. Chaeyoung held out her arm. "Ready my lady?" Mina smiled and held her arm.

"Ready." Chaeyoung smiled at that and they both made way back to the shelter.


"If it isn't the lovebirds." Dahyun reacted when they walked in. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at that.

"Who sent the eagle to spy on us?" Chaeyoung interrogated as she sat on the table. Some of the girls were laying down whilst some were eating. By some, it meant Momo. Mina looked at Momo and she raised her hands, mouth stuffed to even say anything.

"The eagle went on her own free will." Jihyo remarked and Chaeyoung didn't buy it. "Trust me, we tried to stop her."

"You could at least tell us how it went." Sana excitedly bounced from her seat.

"It's top secret." Mina raised a finger to her lips and Sana smirked at that.

"Get this fruitiness away from here." Nayeon groaned from her bed.

"You're just mad you didn't get any action tonight." Chaeyoung smirked and Nayeon instantly sat up, glaring at the girl, with a red face.

"Alright! Let's just sleep shall we?" Jihyo broke it up. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu were both already asleep. Mina was surprised they could sleep with background noise. Nayeon went back to her spot that was next to Jeongyeon. Momo placed her snacks away as she took a spot a few feet away from Dahyun and Tzuyu. Next to Tzuyu, laid Sana and after was Jihyo. They all had a good distance from each other except for Nayeon and Jeongyeon. They were used to sleeping close.

Chaeyoung laid on her set of blankets that Jihyo laid out for her. She let out a comfortable sigh as her head hit the pillow. Mina, who had her pillow, blanket, and sleeping bag with her, quietly approached Chaeyoung. "C-Can I lay here?" She stuttered and Chaeyoung wanted to tease her but she was tired to even do it.

She simply nodded and Mina quickly laid out her bed. She laid next to her, a foot away from each other. Chaeyoung knew she wanted to get closer, she also wanted her to. "Come." She softly offered and Mina gladly got closer. Her head rested on her chest, Chaeyoung's arms around her. She pulled the blanket on top of them. Her hand played with her hair and she leaned in, kissing Mina's head. "Night princess." Chaeyoung lastly said as she dozed off. Mina smiled as she also drifted off to sleep.

A/N: happy holidays everyone 🫶

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