Why Me?

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The shipping container made the girls feel safe. The huge door made them girls sleep at ease at night but the space was too narrow for them. It also had boxes inside filled with useless stuff so the space was cramped. That's why, right after breakfast, they all headed to where Dahyun saw the shelter. Chaeyoung found it annoying how long it took but the days went by fast. 'I didn't know we were this far.' This time, Chaeyoung took lead with Dahyun beside her. The rest of them followed and kept an eye out for danger.

Mina was watching Chaeyoung from behind. She hated how she was admitting that she had feelings for her. It was complicated since she wished to never be with her. If her theory was correct, she would have to avoid her to achieve her wish. 'I could say it out loud...' Mina had a pensive face and Tzuyu, who was a few feet beside her, noticed it. "Are you alright?" Mina snapped her head to her and she had an unreadable expression.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." Mina gave a quick smile. She was nervous since they both never talked. However, her presence eased Mina since she was quiet and calm. She liked how she wasn't loud like Chaeyoung but now she preferred her annoying voice over silence.

Tzuyu didn't hate Mina. Tzuyu just didn't like how quick Chaeyoung's feelings and thoughts about Mina changed. Tzuyu always found Mina calm and nice. She wasn't cocky and selfish. Although her small friend was exactly like that, Tzuyu knew the real Chaeyoung. Her, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun were close since freshmen year. Chaeyoung was super nice and friendly, so selfless.

But after her first relationship in their sophomore year, she changed. Chaeyoung boasted about her expensive items to make her ex jealous but now it became part of her personality. Tzuyu hated it at first but got used to it, so did Dahyun.

Now, Chaeyoung was slowly turning back and Mina was the reason. No one knew this but Tzuyu likes Chaeyoung. She liked her before even getting to know her. She never acted on her feelings since she didn't want to ruin their friendship. She felt rivalry against Mina even though she wasn't sure if the older girl felt anything for Chaeyoung. She had mixed emotions about their situation. She hated how Chaeyoung switched up in a few days and hated how they were close. 'I can't pick a struggle seriously.' Tzuyu mentally sighed as she continued their walk.


"I found it!" Chaeyoung exclaimed as she started to run towards the shelter, leaving the girls behind.

"Don't run! It's probably dangerous!" Nayeon scolded as loud as she could but Chaeyoung continued to run. Before Chaeyoung could enter, she caught a glimpse of something lunging at her. It was too fast for her to even react. The girls jogged to her but instantly stopped their tracks when they saw Chaeyoung flying from the entrance. She groaned as a tiger was pinning her down. The girls yelped and we're shocked to see a tiger this close.

Jeongyeon immediately cocked her gun but it didn't go off. "What the-" All the girls tried to shoot their gun but it wasn't going off. They all panicked as Chaeyoung was trying her best to get the tiger off of her. 'Why me? Why is it always me?' She got annoyed. It was always her in these situations. 'Is this karma?' With all the anger and annoyance in her, she managed to pull out her dagger from her pocket. She had a gun but it was currently scattered from her. She never threw away her dagger after finding a gun just in case for situations like this.

She stabbed the tiger on its side, causing the tiger to roar and she stabbed it again. Chaeyoung was full of adrenaline to even feel the scratch the tiger gave her on her stomach when it lost its balance and grip on her. Momo quickly grabbed Chaeyoung's gun that luckily had ammo, taking down the tiger. The girls' guns were out of ammo, they didn't keep track if the guns were loaded since they weren't used to using them.

Chaeyoung laid there, catching her breath as the girls jogged to her. Mina quickly attended her and made sure if she was alright. She gasped when she saw how the tiger's claws ripped Chaeyoung's shirt, slightly scratching her stomach. "We should always double check our guns next time." Jihyo made it clear and the girls nodded. Tzuyu helped with Mina on attending Chaeyoung.

"Let's scan the area before bringing her in." Jeongyeon assured and the girls followed, leaving Mina and Tzuyu with Chaeyoung.

"The scratch didn't cut deeply which is lucky." Tzuyu lifted Chaeyoung's shirt to look at the mark. "We also need to find you a new shirt." Mina quickly wiped off the small blood on her. Chaeyoung kept quiet as she was still catching her breath. "Can you stand?" Tzuyu questioned while Mina used some bandages on the scar.

"I think so." Chaeyoung huffed out and tried to sit up, wincing since the bruise wasn't fully healed, the scar worsening it. Both Mina and Tzuyu helped Chaeyoung stand up and Dahyun came back.

"It's all clear. Jihyo has laid some blankets for you." Dahyun worriedly said since her friend didn't look good. Once inside, they carefully laid Chaeyoung on the blankets. A pillow that was against the wall was used to keep her up.

"You're very brave." Nayeon commented after Chaeyoung was safely sat. Chaeyoung just looked at her, her face was tired. "Small but brave." She warmly smiled.

"I'll go find some food." Dahyun informed and Momo tagged along. The rest of them tried to find some pillows and blankets. The shelter was big and used to be a mega mart. Many types of things could be found. Chaeyoung closed her eyes and thanked God that she was able to survive. She had to deal with three creatures that were twice her size. She didn't knew she had such strength but those survival instincts kicked in. Chaeyoung didn't notice she was sleeping until she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Once her eyes opened, she met Mina's face that was dangerously close.

"Sorry, I found some food for you." Mina backed away and lifted a can of soup. 'I'm feeling fuzzy right now.' Chaeyoung blushed and slowly sat up properly. She reached out to grab the can but Mina retracted it. "Let me, you should let your body rest." Mina softly said and sat on her knees. Chaeyoung didn't argue since she was tired to even bicker with the girl. "It's not warm but it's still edible." Mina lifted the spoon to her lips and Chaeyoung slowly opened her mouth, not leaving Mina's eyes.

'It's surprisingly good.' Chaeyoung thought as she swallowed the soup. Mina kept feeding Chaeyoung and Sana watched from a distance. "Minari would be a good wife." Sana commented while Momo was snacking on some chips she found. On the other side, Tzuyu was also watching them with Dahyun beside her. All the girls were currently sitting on separate tables they found.

"They look cute together. They should date." Dahyun smiled at them while Tzuyu glared at her. "What? Jealous?" She wiggled her brows while Tzuyu scoffed. Indeed she was but she knew it was too late to win Chaeyoung over. Everyone can see it. The way they look at each other, it was filled with love and care. Tzuyu admitted that they looked good together even though it pained her but she did want to see Chaeyoung happy. Even if it isn't with her.

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