Bonus Chapter

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"You should talk to him." Dahyun softly said as she was sitting outside on the bleachers with Momo resting on her shoulder. Momo heaved a sigh and lifted her head.

"I'm scared, he might hurt me." Dahyun quickly grabbed hold of her hands.

"He won't. I won't allow that trust me. I'll be by your side like I said. He has to know the truth." Dahyun tightly held her hands. "Plus, I don't feel like you're fully mine if he's in the picture." She mumbled and Momo gave a smug smile.

"Aww you're jealous?" She cooed and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "I am yours silly." Dahyun smiled at that and Momo had a boost of confidence. "I'll go talk to him." She said with determination. She stood up and Dahyun followed, in search for her soon to be ex boyfriend.


Momo finally found him. He was with his friends hanging out in the patio in front of the school. Momo's confidence was killed instantly. "T-There he is." Momo said with fear in her voice. Dahyun looked to where she was looking at then back to her.

"You got this hun," Dahyun snaked her hand to hers. "I'll be with you, if you want me to." Momo bit her lip. Many scenarios were going through her head on how this will end. With a deep breath, she tighten her hold and walked towards him. Dahyun was also scared. She didn't know if she could protect Momo like she said she would. Hwan was tall and a man so he had an advantage.

As they got closer, one of his friends nudged his arm and Hwan looked at them. His eyebrows were pinched in confusion by their hands. He looked at them then his full attention was at Momo.

"Hey babe, you ate lunch yet?" He asked with a soft voice and Dahyun's eye twitched. Momo looked uncomfortable and Dahyun rubbed her thumb on the latter's hand.

"I need to talk to you Hwan." She said seriously and Hwan looked at the two and slowly stood up. 'He is tall.' "Alone." Momo gazed at his friends and they all followed suit. The three were alone and Dahyun could sense the bad vibes from this guy.

"She said alone short stack." Hwan bit and Dahyun glared at the guy. She wasn't the type to get mad, in fact it was rare. This time, she was mad, maybe even pissed. A guy like him being emotionally abusive to his girlfriend and act nonchalant fuels her with anger.

"I have the right to be here." She gave a smirk. "She's my girlfriend after all." Hwan's face changed from confusion into anger within seconds.

"What's the meaning of this!?" In a flash, he grabbed Momo's shirt. "Are you cheating on me!?" Dahyun couldn't process what just happened. He was too fast. "Are you going to break up with me!?" He started to laugh. "You can't! You know you can't! Or else, I'll kill both of us! You're gonna be with me and not her!"

"Fucking psycho!" Dahyun pulled him away from her and pushed him away. "Aren't you listening to yourself!? Look!" She pointed at Momo who was crying from fear. "If you love her so much you wouldn't hurt her!" Hwan gritted his teeth.

"You don't know her! She's just using you! She loves me and I know that!"

"You're wrong!" Momo finally spoke. Both Dahyun and Hwan looked at her. She was crying uncontrollably. "I don't love you Hwan. I stopped loving you months ago! You're just forcing me to stay with you because you know no one else will ever love you!" She screamed out and slowly fell on her knees. Dahyun quickly came to her side while Hwan stared at them.

Momo's words hurt him like a brick. He never expected to hear the painful truth. Momo was right. He was too blind and didn't want to accept that so he forced everything. Because of his choices, it drove him to insanity. He kept forcing himself believing that Momo and him were meant to be. He ignored everyone and even her. He couldn't believe he had the audacity to off himself and even take her with him. 'I'm a jerk.' Hwan stumbled back a bit, looking at ground deep in thought. Momo's sniffs were heard and Dahyun's soft voice. He was slowly understanding everything. He just needed to hear the truth. He looked back at the two and knew that it was over. It's been over.

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