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They both arrived at their school. It honestly looked terrifying due to the smashed windows and vines growing on it. "Hopefully we can manage to rest here." Chaeyoung said as she walked in with no care. "I regret not taking my bag you know? I had some chips in there." She sighed. Mina shook her head at that and looked around.

The hallway was scattered with paper and trash. Some chairs were also out in the hallway. It was probably around midday so they had some light. "This looks straight out of a movie." Mina commented as they both wandered around, eyes peeled for any good finds.

They both flinched when a scream echoed. "The fuck was that?" Chaeyoung felt goosebumps.

"A scream obviously." Mina sarcastically said and the scream was heard again. "We have to check it out." Mina didn't wait for her response as she headed upstairs since it sounded like it was above them.

"Are you dumb!?" Chaeyoung yelled at her but Mina continued going up making her groan and followed her. She watched as Mina checked every classroom and suddenly stopped. Chaeyoung caught up with her and and her eyes widened. A girl was struggling to keep a wolf off of her. She was in the same position as Chaeyoung earlier.

Mina was going to rush in without care but Chaeyoung held her wrist. Mina looked at her about to bicker when Chaeyoung put her finger on her lips to shush her. Mina slightly blushed which didn't go noticed by Chaeyoung. She watched her as she reached to her back pocket and pulled out her dagger. Skillfully, Chaeyoung aimed for the chest and down went the wolf. "That's what I call a bullseye." Chaeyoung smirked and Mina was about to hug her but her cockiness killed it.

The girl yelped when the wolf landed on her legs. Mina snapped her attention to the girl and quickly ran to her. "Are you okay?" Mina asked as she tried to push off the wolf.

"M-Mina?" The girl spoke quietly. Mina stopped her actions and fully looked at the girl. 'No way...'

"Sana?" The girl smiled and immediately reached out to hug her. Mina was taken back but hugged her back.

"Minari! I'm so happy to see you! I thought I was alone thank God you're here! Thank you thank you!" Sana was thanking Mina thinking it was her who killed it. A cough interrupted their cute moment and both of looked at Chaeyoung who was displeased with Sana's comments.

"It was in fact I who killed it. Mina didn't do shit." Chaeyoung kicked the wolf off the girl's legs and both stood up.

"I was going to save her but you wanted to be the hero." Mina jazzed her hands with an eye roll. Mina met Sana's eyes who was grinning. 'Oh Sana please.'

"Come on. Let's take a stroll around and find any sleeping bags or anything." Chaeyoung bent down as she retrieved the dagger and wiped it on the wolf's fur.


They spent an hour searching the school and found more bags for the meantime since they left their previous ones back at the shelter. Sana thought staying at the school wasn't the safest option since wolves can come in from anywhere. Chaeyoung suggested to just camp at a nearby grocery store. The other two agreed and followed Chaeyoung who led the way. They were walking for a bit till Sana nudged Mina's arm. "So, you and rich kid huh?" Sana teased and Mina groaned.

"Don't even start." Mina tried her best to ignore her friend.

"At least tell me how you two got so...close." Sana said with a slight tone that said she was uncomfortable. Mina honestly didn't know how to reply. Both of them gotten close that they mindlessly helped each other and stayed close when looking for loot.

"It just...happened." Mina simply said and Sana got that Mina couldn't fully answer her question.

"Well, do you at least know why and how we ended up here?" More tough questions.

"No idea at all. How did you end up here?" It was Mina's turn to ask.

"I don't know. I saw a shooting star and I said my wish and when I woke up I was here." 'Similar to me then.'

"Catch up girls." Chaeyoung called out to them and she was farther away now. "What? Too fast for ya?" She said with a smirk and Mina groaned in annoyance. Sana grinned at Mina. 'Seems like Mina found a friend.'


After what seemed like to be thirty minutes, Chaeyoung finally found the grocery store. 'Jeez I really thought I was lost for a bit.' She sighed of relief and turned to the two who just got there. "We're here! Perfect time right? I know I know I'm the best." Chaeyoung raised her hands and Mina just scoffed, bumping Chaeyoung's shoulder as she walked in.

"The very best!" Sana clapped at Chaeyoung who's scowl turned into a smug face. 'Boosting her ego Sana.' Mina sighed as she slumped against the wall. She let herself slide down to the floor and Sana ran in, instantly going to the freezers the store had. 'I forgot water was a thing.' Sana got back from handing Chaeyoung a water bottle and handed one to Mina.

"Thank you." Mina softly smiled and chugged the water. It wasn't cold but it was very refreshing. Sana sat beside her as she also drunk hers. Mina was too busy looking at Chaeyoung who was drinking her water away from them. 'Of course, she doesn't have her two friends to be loud with.'

"Perfect timing on finding this place." Sana pointed outside. "The sun is already setting." Mina stared at how the sky was a mixture of yellow, orange, and purple. The trees were swaying in the wind and crickets were starting to chirp once again.

"You two should rest." Chaeyoung broke their gaze at the sunset. "I'll stay guard of the area." Sana was about to thank her when Mina protested.

"No! You should rest instead. You're injured remember?" Sana gasped at that and quickly went to check on Chaeyoung. Mina stood up and just watched as Sana checked her forearm with worry.

"I'm fine really." Chaeyoung reassured Sana and held her hand that was on her arm. "I don't mind keeping watch. We just ran into two creatures, who knows if more might come."

Once again, she was right. Mina annoyingly sighed but she had a point. Chaeyoung saved her and Sana. She had hunting skills which they both didn't have. She gave up and laid down. She placed her bag and rested her head on top of it. Soon Sana joined her and positioned her bag by hers. "Good night Minari." Sana softly said and instantly she dozed off.

Mina's eyes trailed up to Chaeyoung again. She was currently sitting on top of the register, having her spear beside her as she played with her dagger. She looked less like her cocky self. For Mina, she looked normal which made her slightly blush. She was surprised when Chaeyoung offered to watch over them. Mina wasn't used to this kind of Chaeyoung yet. She was still a selfish snob to her but that opinion was slowly fading away.

Her eyes traveled to her arm that had the cut. She was thankful she lived. She couldn't imagine what she would do without her. Mina focused more on her arm and noticed how toned it was. How her black hair was tied in a messy ponytail. How her face was slightly dirty and had few scars. This dirtbag look honestly suits her more than those high end clothes she brags about. She felt her eyes grow heavy and the last thing she saw was Chaeyoung's eyes that met hers in a second before sleep took over.

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