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Mina stood frozen watching Chaeyoung fight the wolf. She couldn't move even if she wanted to. She glanced at the other girls and they were handling it pretty well while she stood there, feeling useless. 'Why can't I move?' She was mad at herself. She saw how Chaeyoung was growing weaker, seeing the jaws of the wolf getting closer to her face.

Chaeyoung always protected her and saved her from harm. She didn't even ask for her to but it was the younger girl's instincts. Mina never figured that the girl who hates her for the dumbest reason was willing to protect her. To help her in any way.

Now, her knight needed help and she didn't know what to do. Mina's breath got uneven, as she felt anxious and anger at the same time. "Move damn it!" She tried to encourage herself. The wolf opened its jaw, salvia dripping, while Chaeyoung had her eyes shut. With that, Mina drew her gun, pointing at the wolf. She was unsure where to aim it but there was no time to think about that. She placed her finger on the trigger, trembling but with confidence. As soon as she was about the pull the trigger, a shot was heard. Multiple shots.

She saw the wolf dropping to the floor. Mina looked around to see if it was one of the girls who helped but they also looked speechless. The other three beasts were dead too. "Look!" Dahyun exclaimed as she pointed to a rooftop. All the girls glanced where she was signaling and saw two figures, slowly standing up from their previous crouch position. The two figures were carrying big guns. The taller one held a sniper rifle while the other one held some sort of mini gun.

"Who are you?" Jihyo stepped up and clutched her gun. She furrowed her brows looking at the unknown saviors. Mina looked to where Chaeyoung was and she also curious to who saved her. Mina quickly went to her side and supported her.

The two figures quickly got down from the building. Approaching, Nayeon and Jeongyeon had their guard it just in case. The two stood in front of Jihyo. They were masked but Mina found one of them familiar. "We are no threat trust us." The shorter one spoke and Mina's eyes widened. Letting Chaeyoung go, causing her to curse her out, running towards the person and hugged them tightly.

"Momo! I'm glad you're safe." Mina hid her face on her neck. Momo hugged the girl back as she was slightly taken back.

"How'd you know it was me?" Momo questioned as she backed from the hug. She removed her mask and nudged the taller one to do it as well.

"Well, your voice is recognizable." Mina said in a matter of fact tone. Sana later then ran to the two and hugged them tightly, jumping with glee.

Chaeyoung focused on the taller one. She squinted and glanced at Dahyun who was doing the same. 'They're way she's here too.' The tall one took of their mask and adjusted their hair. "Tzuyu!?" Dahyun bursted out with a smile and ran to her. Chaeyoung smiled at tried to meet up with her friend without pulling anything.

"This is cute." Jeongyeon smiled at the two groups. Jihyo was also smiling and Nayeon just looked at them.

After what felt like five minutes of the friends catching up, Nayeon snapped back and looked at the sky. It was surely going to get dark soon. "Alright! Happy time over we should get going." Nayeon bossed and Jihyo agreed.

"Momo and Tzuyu?" Jihyo asked and the two girls nodded at her. "Join us on finding Chaeyoung's shelter. We could use more backup, and also thank you for saving our butts earlier." The two agreed and now the group of seven became nine.


The nine girls walked and it was now dark. If one could guess, it was probably about seven or eight. They were in the middle of nowhere currently and there wasn't any buildings in sight. "Dahyun you sure you remember?" Chaeyoung grumbled slightly annoyed since she was in pain.

"It's hard to see okay!?" Dahyun argued back. The were using one flashlight since the other one died. The flashlight was close to wearing out as well, making it difficult to see. "I know it's this way..." Dahyun mumbled lastly. Tzuyu was walking with Dahyun, Momo with Sana, Jihyo with Jeongyeon and Nayeon and as expected, Mina with Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung argued with Mina that she could hold herself up but Mina insisted. "Mina, I'm not five, I can walk fine see?" Chaeyoung tried to stand up straight but instantly winced and clutched her stomach. "Shit." Mina shook her head and held her arm.

"You're so stubborn you know that right?" Mina spoke with a quiet tone. Chaeyoung's scowl turned to a smug face.

"Stubborn yet the princess still needs me." Chaeyoung smirked at her and Mina rolled her eyes.

"Stop calling me that. You already know my name." Mina fought the blush and the beating of her heart. Chaeyoung hummed at that.

"But it suits you. You're pretty elegant in a way. Plus, you always need saving." Mina didn't argue and kept quiet. She was right. She always is. Mina used to find that annoying but now it was reassuring. Chaeyoung was reliable and always thought ahead.

"Shut up." Mina scoffed with a slight chuckle. Chaeyoung smiled after hearing that chuckle again. Both of their hearts were beating quite rapidly, but they were too focused on their thoughts to even hear it. Mina was foreign to this feeling but Chaeyoung knew it too well.

She didn't want to admit it and believe it was true. This whole time, she kept denying it and try to be clueless by these emotions. Even at school, she would try to be mean and rude to Mina to hopefully replace that feeling. Chaeyoung slowly gave up on rejecting it and was now going to make a move. She wasn't sure when but she was positive.

Of course, she doesn't know if Mina views her the way she does. Maybe Mina just wants to stay as friends. Chaeyoung notices how close Mina was to Momo and Sana. 'Our actions are similar to theirs right?' Chaeyoung questioned and was now rethinking everything. 'Oh God maybe she's just friendly.'

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