Timeline of Girls Frontline and Call of Duty: Ghosts (rewrite)

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2005 Tel Aviv War

The war started as Israel and its ally America fought off one or more of Israel's neighboring countries. The conflict followed a series of other Middle Eastern conflicts.


Following the massive devastation of the region that those countries involved subsequently collapsed, setting off a global energy crisis that crippled the First World Nation who had relied on Middle Eastern oil. 

As United States, Russia, NATO, China and India spread themselves thin trying to maintain order and Asia floundered, the oil-rich South American nations of Venezuela, Brazil and Chile united to form the Federation of the Americas. And thus, The Federation has risen which dominated the global energy market going forward. With their combined strength, they monopolize their resources and ruthlessly consolidate power over their neighbours. Now Federation became an aggressively expansionist superpower to primary rival of the United States

2016 Operation: Return to Sender

When Federation threatened all the South America, the Federation leader General Diego Almagro, a staunch anti-American, ordered all US citizens present in Federation territory be imprisoned or executed, a move immediately condemned by the United States. From all countries heard of the 20 United Nations Peacekeepers were killed by Federation troops, the US government authorized Operation: Return to Sender, an invasion of the Federation with the goal of dismantling it and assassinating Almagro in Caracas, Venezuela.

The operation marked the beginning of the Federation War in 2015. Almagro was successfully killed during the assault on Caracas by Ghosts, the operation failed to stop the Federation itself and ended sometime later with both sides agreeing to a truce. However, the truce was in effect, as the Federation recovered and continued to flourish economically. The military moved northward and invaded the countries of Central America and the Caribbean.


2017 United States had developed the Orbital Defence Initiative or ODIN as a safeguard against foreign attacks as the world shocked at US Orbital Defence Initiative in space. During the final test, ODIN's command station was hijacked by surprise attack by Federation astronauts, effectively breaking the truce with the US.

The Federation soldiers proceeded to target and strike the American mainland with its own kinetic weapons, decimating the American south and southwest causing an estimated 27 million civilian casualties. ODIN's crew attempted to defend the command station during the attack. It was destroyed in the battle to preventing the crew to regaining control of ODIN's payload-firing satellites and halting the strikes. The destroying ODIN appeared in atmosphere hitting other targeted cities, including Washington, D.C.

ODIN's remaining crew sacrificed themselves to scuttle one of the satellites causing a chain reaction that knocked the others out of the orbit. 

It believe the US crippled by the strikes. The Federation launched a full-scale invasion and overran cities along with U.S - Mexican border.

As the world shock seeing Federation has broken the truce with the US, the NATO allies and European Union began supported US with help of troops to defend the US mainland from the Federations while Asia of US allies, Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN allies decide to defend Hawaii were the pacific US command centre was located and blockade the Federation trades because it believes it could be a surprise attack on other countries.


In 2027 the war on Federation and U.S had been fought to  a stalemate with the Americans holding their ground. The US navy last carrier USS Liberator a Gerald R Ford class carrier while other carriers were in the pacific and Hawaii port were indeed safe zone by its allies, and the preserved battleship was moved to safety on Hawaii mainland preparing to modernize the battleship. 

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