Episode 19 Achillies

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Markus, Gentiane, Kyle, Kalina and Juan check in on Julie, who has been tasked with infiltrating Rorke's network.

Markus: Did you do it?

Julie: I'm in.

Kyle: And I also helped her.

Juan: Fucking A, sister.

Markus: You sounded like my teammates.

Gentiane: She is a smart one like Kyle.

The computer shows Julie gaining access to Rorke's network.

Julie: You don't understand. Rorke and Javier are looking for me because I've created the Relic Celerium, a thing that the same specs of Celerium. Just like Menedez was looking for my mom... After she passed away, I made the Relic Celerium. 

A simulation shows all countries that are to be affected after World War III and establishment of Union of Rosstarism Nation Coalition it was planned of creating something worse than WWIII.

Markus: Rorke's network... All countries getting fucked by Aftermath of World War III, *to gentiane* Is it why Griffin Lyons plan for new world order, back in Germany?

Gentiane: Yes, before Operation Muromets, I got called from Griffin Lyons order me to stop the operation since Berezovich and Helian alongside surviving T-Dolls force survived. And plan of his new world order to rid all the conflict.

Markus: I heard about Griffin Lyons, Jonathan's father John Price knows him, he use to be worked in Cabinet Office back 2000s before his father became Captain in 2011.

The simulation also highlights New York City, Washington D.C. and the Pentagon as potential targets.

Kyle: Uhh guys...

Markus: What *looked at the screen* Wait a minute... New York, D.C., the Pentagon...

The simulation then zooms over to China and Japan, highlighting potential targets there as well.

Markus: Xi' an, Baoji, Lanzhou, Sapporo...

The simulations then zooms over to European West and East, Pan-European Union, Neo-Soviet Union, highlighting potential targets there aswell.

Gentiane: Pan-European Union, London, Geneva, Frankurst, Bremen, Berlin, Prague, Rome, Madrid, Lisbon, Paris...

Markus: Belgrade, Athens, Moscov, Saratov, Kiev, Saratov... Holy shit, Rorke and Javier is gonna attack all the countries taking them all out at the same time.

The computer then runs through files containing coordinates of locations on the world.

Markus: Wh... wait... All those files have the same prefix, 7-4, 7-4... seven...fourth... Oh my god...

Kalina: What is it?

Markus: That July 4th that's...

Markus looks at his wrist pad.

Markus: That's tomorrow.

Juan: Cuatro de julio (July 4)... Impendence day. The day the United States was born.

Markus: I knew it! Get my dad!

A video communication uplink is established between Markus and Hesh.

Markus: Dad, the cyber-attack is 7/4. Tomorrow.

Hesh: *COMMS* Damn, we have move on Kurgan, Chelybinsk right now. No, you have to in there, capture Rorke for interrogation. 

Markus: But dad it's -

Hesh: *COMMS* You contact Aidan Belikov and the Neo-Soviet army, we need their help.

Markus: Dad, it's a trap! Rorke has been playing us the whole time? If we move on Chelybinsk, that's exactly what he wants us to do!

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