Prologue (rewrite)

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In Retirement by Federal Security

location: US

An MRAP and the black cars driving towards the retirement were all the military retirements lived there. As they stopped, the back door opened releasing the soldiers from US state security services jumped out from the car and another MRAP came out was a C6 from PMC G.H.O.S.T.

Coming out from the car, was a man wearing a black suit and black vest. On his face, was a skull face features of ghost. The man was a veteran known as Keagan P. Russ coming out from the MRAP. 

Keagan: Secure the building.

Another person coming out was a boy, who has black hair, wearing his casual clothes and his eyes were brown. This boy name was Markus's walker a son of David "Hesh" Walker.

Markus looked at the building as he heard shouting from the troops as SWAT troops and C6 approaching building, breaching in, checking every room and two-story building. While the VTOL appeared on the rooftop hovering, dropping the ropes releasing the troops on ground.

Inside the building

Some SWAT check the rooms and the vaults while C6 guarded every rooms as Markus, Keagan and Commando of the SWATS walking towards the room.

Commando: We've secured every inch of "The Vault" Sir, except this room.

Keagan nodded him as Markus ready his pistol on his hoister on his leg and Commando ready to button to open the door. He presses the button access the door, Keagan kicked the door and aimed his weapon checking rooms followed by Markus holding his pistol.

As they were inside,

they met a man who is young sitting on his chair, looking at the view. That man was Logan Walker, Markus's uncle.

Logan: Keagan, you shouldn't knock the door already.

Markus approached his uncle behind Keagan.

Markus: Hello Uncle Logan. Was Rorke here?

Keagan: Logan, listened to me, is Rorke here, can you remember him back you were captive by Federation 16 years ago, he is a general of the Federations.

Logan felt his head pained as he held, feeling traumatize himself he remembers the day, when Rorke dragged Logan away from his brother and then he was captive on the cage in the jungle were Rorke was captive after Rorke turned.

In his memories, Logan looked up and saw Rorke standing there, knelt down at him.

"Soon you will become like me, and you'll never see your family again"

After his trauma ended, Keagan get him up and give a water.

Keagan: Logan, are you okay?

Logan: grrr, I'm fine, I gotta traumatized by this nightmare, when I was captive.

Keagan: Looked Logan, your no longer captive, right now, your in the vault, the security will looked after you.

Markus: Uncle, what does Rorke said, when your in the cage?

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