Episode 9 Reunion and Fate part 2

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Markus and his BR Ranger squad were shocked when they heard Logan's story.

Markus: Rorke's wife Medova died in the blast? Who threw the grenade?

Logan: I had no idea she was there, Mark. I just saw Rorke... and I lost my control.

Markus: Logan, you don't lose your shit. What the fuck did Rorke do to you back in Federation War and second times kidnapped you?

Logan: Rorke... he wanted to know what the government and CIA had on him. They believe Rorke betrayed his own country.

Logan's flashback after Rorke captured him in the jungle planning to turn against his brother and the ghost.

Logan: I was being captured by Rorke, and he tortured me. Planning me to turn like Rorke... I was sitting alone in the cage in the middle of the Jungle. I LOST MY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO?!!


15 minutes later

Merrick, Keagan, Hesh, Logan, Yuri and Bereozvich Kryuger

On the West side of the Mansion and small village.

Berezovich Kryuger looking at Rorke through his binoculars.

Hesh: Who's the girl?

Merrick: Doesn't matter. She's not a target.

Logan: Probably just a whore...

Kryuger handed the binoculars to Hesh as he watched Rorke.

He watches as Rorke answers the door, and Romania units move in.

Hesh: Romania units are moving in Let's go.

Keagan: Let's split up, Merrick, Berezovich and I go to the East, while you three go the west to go other way to the mansion.

Then the teams move up and split up.

Logan: Alright! About time!

Yuri: Heavy fighting up ahead!

Keagan: *COMMS* Romania army are pushing across the village.

Logan: I ain't keen on fighting alongside these armies.

Yuri: Trust me, Logan. Rorke's associates are hardcore. You're gonna be glad they're here.

The team reaches the entrance of the village, the romania army engage the Rorke's associates' men.

Merrick: *COMMS* MG in the window! Building on the right!

Yuri use his sniper rifle, aiming at the fence in the house, were the Rorke's associates engage the Romanian army, then an MG operator opened fires at the Romanian army and Ghost team.

Yuri aimed at the MG operator at the window building right and kills it.

As the for his team, they were engaging the Rorke's associates.

Logan: Guys posted on the rooftops!

Yuri aimed at the person with grenade on, ignited killing the men and MG operator inside the house as the team moves forward.

Hesh: On me!

Logan: Right behind you, brother!

The team moves in the village, Hesh fire his assault rifle at the group.

Merrick: *COMMS* Check your fire! We got civilians!

The team must not fire the civilians as they were fleeing, the team focus fire on the enemy as they move forward, the MG operator coming from another building.

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